How to attract parents' attention?

How to attract parents' attention?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am the youngest child in the family. Parents do not live together. There is an older onesister and brother. My sister and brother now live separately. I haven't yet. I was never a problem child. I study well enough. I never had a close relationship with my parents, I never shared my experiences with them (they were not interested). Yes, I want attention and love from my parents. If they were just callous, then perhaps it would be easier for me to accept everything. But to my brother and sisterthe attitude is completely different.

Mom can spend hourstalk to my sister on the phone every day , and affectionately. He speaks to his brother less often, but knows perfectly well about everything that is happening in his life. And he may not say a word to me for weeks. Not interested in my affairs.

I found myself a part-time job, now I have my ownI have enough money to buy myself clothes and even some equipment. I bought myself a laptop and a phone. And mymy mother is not even interested in where I get my money and these things, where I go from home, where I am, who I am with, what I do. Knows nothing about my personal life. But at the same time, I hear her on the phone to her girlfriends or sister, always talking about how good the boys come to her (she works as a teacher), how talented they are, retelling almost the whole lesson. This makes it doubly offensive. If only she were like that towards me, towards everyone.

He also doesn’t call me and doesn’t want to see my father. But at the same time, whenever possible, he sees my sister and brother. Until the age of 25, my parents bought phones and computers, clothes for my brother, they even helped me with a car, but nothing for me since I was 16 years old. I repeat, I wouldn’t be so offended if such an attitude towards everyone was the same as it is towards me. In our family, as far as I remember, it has always been thatthe father loved his sister very much, and the mother loved his older brother. By the way, brother and sister communicate well and celebrate holidays together.

I can’t be happy about any of my endeavors. I constantly feel worse than others. I think the whole point of is that there is no attention or praise to me, my affairs and any endeavors. Sometimes I feel invisible, as if I don’t exist at all. Now I really dream of moving and living separately as soon as possible, even though in our country it’s difficult to do this on your own. But you know, it really hurts me that even when I leave, my parents still won’t understand my feelings. If we don’t see each other and communicate, I’m sure they will tell everyone that I don’t want it and it’s my fault, and they won’t understand their guilt.

I’ll say right away that I don’t want and can’t come up and talk to them about this. I don't want to seem weak and needy. I don’t know how to come to terms with parental dislike. How to learn to live happily without her? Sometimes I get excited about a new idea, I want to achieve something, but then I remember that I’m all alone, and I immediately give up.

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