How to forgive your daughter?

How to forgive your daughter?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is 10 years old. It seems that she should already understand what can be done and what cannot be done.

Yesterday my mother-in-law called and said that she wanted to talk to us seriously. At first I didn’t understand what was the matter, becauseI have an excellent relationship with her. She's also great as a grandmother. Her daughter visits her every weekend and comes happy, with gifts and impressions. Spend the whole evening sharing what we did with Grandma Nina. We watched cartoons, cooked delicious food, and fed squirrels in the park. She doesn’t have such a warm relationship with my mother, maybe because there are also grandchildren there (my sister’s children).

And here my husband and I are waiting for an “important conversation.” We went through all the options, right down to the terrible illness of the mother-in-law and the will for the apartment and dacha. But what the mother-in-law said shocked us!

It turned out thatmy daughter tells her mother-in-law everything that happens during the week at our house. Often with details that do not necessarily need to be shared with strangers. I was simply amazed that my daughter turned out to be an informer; there’s no other way to describe it. Or did she want to earn this way?grandma's love and affection? My daughter talks about my quarrels and reconciliations with my husband, about where we spendmoney , that on Friday night we can order pizza and drinkwine and much more. My mother-in-law says that we don’t save, we don’t cook, and we also drink too much!

I didn't know what to tell her. The husband began to scold his daughter, and thenmother , why she, an adult, listened to the gossip of a little girl, and did not explain that this should not be done. My daughter now sits at home on weekends, my mother-in-law is offended, and my husband and I have stopped discussing even the most insignificant news in front of the child. Everyone is just in their room. The husband told his daughter: “Now we will never be able to trust you, you are like a stranger to us.” She burst into tears, I also said that this was too much.

We went from being a happy family to people who hate each other. What to do, tell me?

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