How to teach your mother-in-law a lesson?

How to teach your mother-in-law a lesson?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell my story, or rathermy mother-in-law's attitude .

My husband and I have been married for 10 years and have three sons. When we first started living with our husband, we lived with his parents (3 years). At first everything was fine, my mother-in-law and father-in-law were good, until I put a voice recorder on my phone. The thing is that myI have a husbandsister , sheMarried also has children. And as soon asmy daughter didn’t call, my mother-in-law constantly bullied me. She said what a bad housewife I am, that I don’t do anything, etc. I gave these recordings to my husband to listen to, because he thought that I was slandering his mother. My father-in-law treated me and my son (my husband) well.

Over the years that we lived together, I realized that the mother-in-law idolizes her daughter, no matter what she does, she is always right. Later we built our house not far from our mother-in-law so as not to listen to what they said. There were cases when my fathers-in-law were going on vacation and took only their daughter and her children. I tried not to notice such an attitude, but after I diedhusband's father , everything has changed. At first, my mother-in-law came to us 10 times a day, because she was offended by her daughter. My husband and I tried our best to support her. But when it came to making inheritance documents, she said that she would do everything for her son, but in the end she did it for herself. I mean it's mineher husband took her around for all sorts of paperwork, but she didn’t turn to her daughter for help.

Now there is a difficult situation in the family. After the death of my father-in-law, my eldestthe son spent the night with his mother-in-law. She asked and explained that she was scared (he was 10 years old) and he slept next to his grandmother. After some time, I returned my son home. After that, she didn’t come to us for two days. Then I allowed my second son to spend the night with her, but then I realized that this is not normal, that my children spend the night with their grandmother, and in general this is some kind of savagery and perversion and my children are not dogs to protect her. They do their homework at home, and she could read or study on subjects with her grandchildren, but she doesn’t do any of this, they just spent the night and went to school, went home from school, and so it was for six months.

The other day she said that my son would now be at home and none of my children would go to her anymore, she immediately became offended, refused lunch and dinner (she ate with us after her father-in-law died). I tell my husband that my daughter and her children are also eating and let them do what they want. My husband is offended by his mother-in-law (his mother); it turned out that she constantly pleased her daughter more. Her divorced daughter lives with her partner (the daughter is frivolous and vulgar, arrogant, a gossip). It happened that when she was married to her first husband, she went to clubs, had parties at home, and this was normal for her mother-in-law, she said that shelooking for happiness .

My sister-in-law is a citizen of another country and she needs a registration every month and my husband somehow registered it, then my sister-in-law was hit by a car, she also called my husband. And when he got into trouble (one person wrote a statement against my husband), no one supported him, only me. Thank God everything ended well. We always took my mother-in-law with us on vacation, to the market, to the store. Whatever her daughter does, she is good, that’s how it should be, and her son is like a distant relative to her. If she left with her daughter, she didn’t even warn us (well, you never know what could happen). And if my husband leaves somewhere, she becomes curious and asks where and with whom, why her son went.

What should I do in relation to my mother-in-law? I want to teach her a lesson or let her understand that ourfamily is one thing, but her daughter is another family. Just let her know that she also has a son. We are very offended by the way she treats us. Sometimes he behaves like a child whose toy was taken away. I once told her something about her daughter, and she answered me in a raised, hysterical tone that I would not give up my daughter.

I don’t know how to behave, please tell me.

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