How to tell my parents that I have made peace with my common-law husband

How to tell my parents that I have made peace with my common-law husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I really need yourshelp , I'm stumped. We lived with a young man for about four years, there is no schedule, there isdaughter . We love each other very much, we have such passion and emotions for each other, and there are quarrels, but it turned out that we broke up. And all because we were raised differently, there are misunderstandings because of this, he does only what he wants, and I do everything to please my parents.

They received my beloved well, they said that this was my choice, but they always made their own adjustments. MyMom always tells me how it should be, how standard families live, but with my boyfrienda family cannot be standard, he is not like us, and I accepted him. But without understanding it myself, I lived the way I didn’t want, but the way my parents said. Nikita always noticed this and told me more than once that they were interfering in ourlife , that it’s also so hard for him, and I even tried to talk to my mother, but it’s useless, she says that they love me and protect me from problems. They strangle me with their excessive care and constant control.

When we broke up, he left for another city, now we have made peace, and he wants to take us as his daughter. But he has a condition - to stop depending on the opinions of my parents and live the way I want, that is, to be myself. I love him so much, I want to step into another life with him, try something new, but how? I don’t know how my parents will survive this, it’s crazy for them, it will be a scandal, a conversation will start that I left them, I chose not a family, but a guy, they will start telling me that I have a stable job here, relatives that I I will take my beloved granddaughter from them. They say they do what's best for me, but I'm torn between them and my loved one. I don't even tell them that I made peace with Nikita. They will start reading morals about how I forgave him, because he left for another city. I am so grateful to them, they have done so much for me, I love them very much. But how should be? Give up love and your personal life? But I want my family. I don't want to offend them that much.

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