How do I tell my son that I don't like his girlfriend?

How do I tell my son that I don't like his girlfriend?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had a strained relationship with my mother-in-lawrelationship . And when I had a babySon , I promised myself that in the future I would respect my son’s choice and never quarrel with my daughter-in-law.

Now my son is 24 years old, there isgirl and I don't like her. She's 2 years older than him, from the provinces, no education, works as a cashier in a supermarket. I'm just shocked! I wouldn't want a wife like that for my son. But I can't tell him about it, I'm afraid to offend him, andMy husband says that this will ruin my relationship with him.

And then what I was so afraid of happened - my son said that they decided to get married. I understand her,The guy is well-off, has a higher education and a job. But I can't understand what could have attracted him to this little gray mouse! I just can't imagine her as my daughter-in-law and the mother of my grandchildren.

I don't know what to do. I don't ask for advice because I know in advance that I shouldn't interfere, they'll figure it out themselves... But he's my only son!

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