How to save a relationship when love is gone?

How to save a relationship when love is gone?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We've been dating for 2 years. She is 4 years older. I live with her. She always reproaches me for not working. And I understand that this is really true, but I immediately told her that I couldn’t give her anything yet.

I quit my job at the beginning of the relationship and went to the village to do business for my brother, as I promised to help him. Nothing good came of it, of course; after some work, they closed it. Now he was planning to live with her permanently, work and make money together. But it so happened that she decided to break up with me, because I supposedly always see everything good in black and speak badly about it.

That I’m draining my brain and not giving her life and rest (she’s currently on vacation in Europe). And I'm just worried, and I don't trust her. Because there were cases in our relationship. For example, I recently saw that she was following her exes on social media. networks and even admires one of them as a creative person and does not see anything wrong with this. Meet men, supposedly to explore the world and communicate.

There was a case that she was drinking in an apartment with male colleagues and she was aloneyoung woman . I think all this is abnormal. Plus she annoys meattitude towards me that she is always in opposition to me. She doesn't like simple things. Many times I asked her to go with me to the village, to which I received a refusal and even some disgust or something. She prefers expensive hotels and trips abroad. I suggested that she meet each other halfway in this matter and share interests. She can't hear me. And yes, perhaps because of this I am offended and begin to reproach her for this. And perhaps have a big breakdown. Now she blocked me and told me to take my things and leave (not for the first time). But this time she said that I killed everythingLove . And I just wanted her to hear me. She is currently on vacation in Europe, I am in the village with my parents. I realize that I am blowing her mind, but I think there are reasons for this. Because she doesn't understand the obvious things listed above. Doesn't respect me.

She doesn’t consider herself guilty of anything. In general, she is a proud, selfish careerist, and stands her ground. Although he claims that he wants children and a family. I didn’t describe it quite clearly and not in all the details. But I hope, in general, the picture is more or less clear. Now I myself don’t know who is right, who needs to change. And in general what to do. What's her namereturn and show her what she is doing wrong. Please tell me. I love her very much. Thanks in advance.

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