How to convince my husband that we need a child?

How to convince my husband that we need a child?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I love my husband very much and for me he is the best of men. But there is one small circumstance that makes me worry and gives rise to fears. The fact is that my husband and I do not have children, although we have been married for 10 years. Thank God this has nothing to do with health. Everything is fine here. Just mineThe husband is in no hurry with the child. He believes that we should get on our feet, buy our own home, save money, find a good and stable job. All in all,my husband wants to play it safe and be sure that we will “pull” the child.

My husband wants to be prepared for anything that may await us. I believe that if you prepare for all occasions, you will have no time to live. After all, we constantly have some kind of trouble, and the “right” time may never come. So what now, not to give birth to a child at all? Do all couples who have children have no problems?

Yes I understand thata child is a big expense. But we do not earn worse than others. Can't we really cope? Aapartment , so this is a profitable business. Some allThey live their lives in hostels and are completely happy. For me, the most important thing is relationships in the family, and that it is complete. I really, really want a baby and as soon as possible. Moreover, I am not getting any younger, but the years are passing. My husband just doesn't understand it. When should I give birth - at 40? What if we can “afford” a child when I’m 50? How much longer to wait for that very moment? Will it come at all? And anyway, what is thisfamily without children? For whom then should we live, work and try to become better?

There is one more point that haunts me. I'm afraid that time will pass, the moment will be missed and my husband will leave me. I will already be old, and there are plenty of young girls. After all, nothing can keep him next to me. What if he finds another woman? The one who gives birth? What if I end up left alone, withouthusband and children? Why then will make all these sacrifices? All these thoughts are just driving me crazy. I even lost sleep due to worry. I just can’t pull myself together, everything is falling out of my hands.

I love him so much and dream of giving him a baby. In my dream I see myself walking down the street with a stroller. It is vital for me to become a mother. Well, how does he not understand this? What should I do? I can’t force my husband to have a child. What arguments can I use to convince him? Should I put pressure on him or use a trick and get pregnant? What if he is against it? What if he just doesn't want my baby? Maybe the reason is not financial stability?

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