How to repay a debt that they don’t want to repay?

How to repay a debt that they don’t want to repay?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story began 22 years ago. I am now 27 years old and my brother is 25 years old. In those same 90s, my parents divorced and sold their apartment,dividing the money into an equal amount among all family members.

Mother's brother , who was in business (slot machines), found out thatmother sold the apartment and she has money. He told her the same story that my mother still tells today, that in fact it happened. And he said that he was threatened by bandits, whom he did not manage to pay on time. They said that they would take his business and home, and that his children would also suffer. But, having learned literally not long ago that he allegedly lost a large amount of money to them in those days (I don’t know where the truth is) In the end, the mother gave all the money to her brother to help. In return, he promised a percentage and that he would give $200 every month. And the amount at that time was $6,000. As a result, he brought $200 in the first month, $100 in the second, and after that he stopped paying anything. Time passed, and from then on we lived with my mother’s parents. And when the time came to submit documents to kindergarten, we learned that my brother and I were not registered anywhere. The mother began to raise all the documents, why this was so. And in the end we found out that for some reason, at the time when we lived in that apartment, we were not listed. Before us there is a record that such and such lived, after us too, but our time of residence and whatfamily and who, the line was empty. It is still not clear how this could happen? It seems to me that someone paid to have us deleted from the documents.

Time passed, at the age of 16 I went to work as a builder, renovating apartments. Because there was a need, and I liked it, and they didn’t want to take me anywhere without registration. But that’s practically not the point. Since we were left without an apartment, and my motherMy brother hasn’t given anything away to this day. And it doesn’t seem like he’s going to. I even tried to talk to him myself, even though asked me not to touch him with conversations, since he had either two heart attacks or strokes (to be afraid that his heart would not stand it), and so, they say, there is at least some hope that he will give back. He only tells me in response that you don’t know a lot of things, I don’t owe anything and all that. Although hehis wife and he himself spoke more than once about the fact that he was about to give it away. In general, I don’t know who to contact and how to get justice?

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