How to get your beloved man back?

How to get your beloved man back?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30 years old, my husband is 28. We lived with our common-law husband for almost 4 years. The first two years were amazing. And I was easy-going, didn’t nag, didn’t control. Well, then, apparently, she began to pester him. He himself is also explosive in nature at times, don’t even ask a word about where you were, who you were with, he immediately goes crazy. The last six months, probably now I realize this, have not been the best. They argued because of my distrust, control, I thought that he was somewhere skating with girls or something else. In general, everything has gone wrong since March. I looked at his printouts on the phone, rang through the numbers, found the girls.

I wrote to one. We had a fight and went to live with my mother. He was gone for four days, I ran to him and asked him to come back, she was wrong. There were three such departures from March to April, no more than 4-5 days each. It seems that we have made peace, I promised to improve, but I already feel there is no trust, something is wrong. A week later, I look at the printout and there’s another SMSall day communication and calls. I'm already calling this number thereThe girl seems to be an acquaintance. She told me: “don’t worry, mutual friends recently introduced us.” I didn’t like it, I called him and started a scandal over the phone. About the fact that he is lying to me and continues to communicate with girls.

He doesn't come home. He has not been with us for a month now (he ischild from his first marriage, 7 years old). He seemed to be hooked on this moment, since his mother was admitted to the hospital for surgery and was at homemy sister and two children remained. She was scared, since she herself was in an unclear relationship with her roommate. And he said that he would live there for now. Think. All this time he was communicating with this 18-year-old girl. They rode together across the seas, around the city and his sister with them. He brought her to her mother’s house, they drank there with her sister’s family, relaxed, and seemed to communicate. He brought her to her mother in the hospital and introduced them. For what?

During this time he told me that that was it, there would be no more relationships. Mom was discharged from hospital, but he never returned, although he promised, citing the fact that mom was very ill after chemotherapy. During this time, he told me dot three more times. Then he himself came, spent the night and left in the morning, and so he could disappear for two or three days. Then send an SMS. I still don't understand who I am to him. On myhe answers the question : “You are unchangeable, you don’t understand anything.” I still don’t get an answer from him, just irritation in my direction. We live with my mother. And he doesn’t want to come back here anymore.

He feels like a nobody here. I said at firstrent an apartment , but there is no money, and now he is helping his mother, making repairs for her. Then he gives an ultimatum: either we live with my mother or I don’t know what. We can’t live there; there are cats and dogs there; my child is allergic. In two months I get an apartment under the young programfamily , but he categorically does not want to live there either. Why doesn't he speak? Although one could be patient, live here,My mother loves him and treats him well. And then, having completed the renovations, we would move into our apartment. I'm tired of crying, breaking down, thinking. I understand that, probably, the person has cooled off towards me, there is no love.

If I wanted to, I would have come a long time ago. He tells my mother that everything will be fine. I think I still have contact with that girl. For some reason, he told his mother and sister that he would have returned to me long ago, but he didn’t know how to tell that girl. Although it doesn’t seem like him to worry about anyone. My love loves him very muchdaughter . But, apparently, he was deceiving, saying that he loved her too. At first I let everything go. He began to write, come, say that that’s it, period. Then I started going to their house again, talking to my sister and his mother, so that they would talk to him, so that he would come back. And they seem to feel good that he is with them. I no longer have the strength from such a relationship. Everyone tells me let him go. Time will show. But it was so hard that all hopes of creating a family collapsed. What should I do to go into the shadows?

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