How to deal with ex-wife after divorce?

How to deal with ex-wife after divorce?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I readconfession of a woman who believes that it is not necessary to love her husband’s children from her first marriage, and I don’t blame her at all, because I think that ex-wives should be wiser and aware of their status as “ex”, and not make conflicts with a real wife. In order not to shed bitter tears later, when anger and resentment pass.

I also want to advise ex-wives to be wiser, bite their tongues when your exhusband married, and try to build a civilizedrelationship with a new wife. Do not do bad things to her, do not try to survive her, and even more so do not use your own children in your games. realthe wife will find hundreds of ways to avenge you for every rude word. This is the practice of life.

My husband's ex-wife also broke the chain when he married me. All my attempts to communicate in a civilized manner stumbled upon her inadequate reaction, she messed up as best she could, survived. I may have endured, but she climbed even to my mother. It was the last straw.

As a result, I have been married for 10 years. The ex-wife was written out of the will along with her children. Alimony in recent years has been minimal, communication between the husband and children - on the street in the park once a month. They will not receive any property, except for the apartment that the husband left them during the divorce. Let the ex-wife pay for institutions. It makes no difference to my husband whether they have a diploma or not, and in general they don’t matter to him for a long time, the attitude is exactly neutral. That's what the ex-wife achieved with her antics. And if I were smarter, everything would be different.

Therefore, ex-wives, do not overestimate yourself. And even more so to manipulate children. And it’s better not to involve them in these showdowns at all, then there is a chance thatno matter how disgusted a man feels towards you, at least he will retain warm feelings for the children. And so he and the children begin to associate with an inadequate mother. And who are you hurting? Only to my children.

In general, maybe at least one woman will think, and will not step on this rake.

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