How to restore your parents' trust in you?

How to restore your parents' trust in you?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It doesn't work out for merelationship with mom. My grades at school (3-4, depending on what subject) do not satisfy her, she says that I can study better. And I’m a creative person, and I don’t understand the exact sciences, such as algebra or geometry, at all.

But she doesn’t want to hear about it, she says that it’s all my insecurity. And when she found out that I had failed my algebra test, she set a condition - from next week she would keep me under control, that is, check all my lessons, turn off the Internet and do everything possible to make me take my studies more seriously . But this is not the only problem. We have lost trust in each other. Or rather, I myself stopped telling her everything. I can't say exactly when this happened, probably when I said that I no longer wanted to tie mylife with the profession of an architect, and I prefer music. Perhaps that was when the first crack occurred in our relationship.

From that day on, she simply did not want to understand me. But what makes her especially angry about is that sometimes I spend time watching my favorite video blogs, comedy shows and TV series. You see, I write short stories and, getting positive energy from watching them, I also get inspiration. I tried to explain this to her, but she says I'm just wasting my time. And when she is not at home, she is sure that I am doing some kind of nonsense, and does not want to believe that I, for example, painted or played the guitar. I think maybe I need to correct something in my behavior, or behave in this situation, because I no longer know what to do. Sometimes I even thought about running away from home, but I believe that there is another way out.

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