How I communicated with my neighbor

How I communicated with my neighbor
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have two small children – our son is three years old, and our daughter will soon be two. My husband is at work all day, I can barely cope with the children alone. There is no one else to help, my parents live in another city, and my parentsMy husbands come to us only on weekends, and even then not always, since they are still working. We’ve only lived in this apartment for a year (my husband inherited it from his grandmother), we don’t know much of the neighbors, we only knew that my grandmother lives in the apartment opposite, who, as it later turned out, is 85 years old. She hasdaughter , visits her very rarely, butcalls every day and thinks that’s enough. There are two adult granddaughters, but one of them lives abroad, and the other doesn’t really want to communicate with her grandmother.

Somehow it so happened that I was getting ready to go to the store with my children and met my old neighbor in the hallway. I said hello, and she asked why I was taking the children outside in this weather, it was cold. I said that I needed to go to the store, but there was no one to leave them with The neighbor offered to sit with them, and at the same time I gave her bread andI'll buy milk . Since then, we got to know her better and began to communicate. Her name was Antonina Semyonovna, she has lived alone for more than twenty years,The husband died, and the only daughter is constantly busy and rarely comes. Now, if necessary, I can leave the children with her, though not for long, since she is already advanced in age. For my part, I also try to help her with something: either I run to the store or take out the trash. And sometimes I’ll help with cleaning. I didn’t feel so lonely with her, I had someone to talk to, she talked so interestingly about her life, about her youth.

One day she asked my husband to fix her kitchen faucet, and I decided at the same time, while the children were sleeping, to go with him and wash her windows. At that moment, her daughter unexpectedly arrived and immediately attacked us from the doorway: “Shame on you, we decided to ingratiate ourselves with the old man and take the apartment.” I understand that she knew us about, probably her grandmother told her about us. Antonina Semyonovna began to calm her down, she was ashamed of her daughter’s behavior in front of us, but she simply kicked us out and didn’t even let us fix the tap. She said that if she finds out that we continue to communicate with her mother, she will call the local police officer. I'm still uncomfortable with this situation, we have our ownapartment , and I was just pleased to communicate with a good person.

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