How to get your wife to work after retirement?

How to get your wife to work after retirement?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife and I are already retired, our children are adults and live separately. My wife, a woman, is quite cheerful and active; she could still work, because you won’t be able to get around much when you retire. But she is categorically against it, saying that she has done her job and it’s time to rest. And if at home she was lying on the sofa, then no, she disappears for weeks at the dacha, and she also forces me. And this is already the second summer. In winter it’s no better either, since she grows seedlings, that’s allThe apartment is cluttered, very annoying. It even seems to me that she is doing this on purpose for appearances, so that everyone will leave her behind.

Personally, I believe that as long as you have the strength, you can earn extra money. After all, everything she is trying to grow can be bought in the store without spending so much effort on it. And you can go to the dacha on weekends, but to relax, and not to dig in the garden. The children also agree with me and believe thatMom is deteriorating. When I worked, I took care of myself, but now I walk around with broken nails and undyed hair. Yes andIt wouldn’t hurt to have some extra money in the family to help the children and grandchildren, the car has been in need of major repairs for a long time, it would be nice to change the tiles in the bathroom. I work myself (I’m 68 years old), but the salary is not enough for everything, andthe wife refuses to help.

I don't understand what happened to her. It used to be that I used to work two jobs just to bring a pretty penny into the house. And now he’s cut off and doesn’t want to listen to anything. It even becomes a shame, because I am also retired and could do nothing. But I have responsibility for my family, but it turns out that my wife doesn’t care?

I wonder if it is possible to force her to go to work and how to find suitable arguments? I would be very grateful if someone could share some good advice.

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