How to live with such an appearance?

How to live with such an appearance?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know how I can continue to live with an appearance like mine. The fact is that I am very ugly. Maybe someone will think that there are many such girls, and that beauty can be achieved with the help of makeup. I agree that this will help many, but not me.

I say this not out of false modesty, but out of despair. Since childhood, I knew that I was not just ugly, but a real ugly one. EvenMom didn’t hide this from me, she always lamented who I was born into, because my parents are the most ordinary people. I probably took after some great-grandmother or it’s just that my facial features were combined, a little bit of everyone. My mother told me to study well and be able to find my place in life, which meant that I would have nothing else besides work or hobbies. True, I havea friend with whom we have been friends since kindergarten; we went to different schools, but still continued to be friends. Now she's alreadymarried , she has a wonderfuldaughter , whom I love very much.

I am 35 years old, I have my own small business. This is exactly what I was striving for, so as not to work in a team where everyone would point fingers at me, and I already feel uncomfortable between people. I spend my free time learning foreign languages ​​and sometimes traveling. Over the years, I have gotten used to loneliness, but sometimes I still feel offended by nature and fate for rewarding me with such an appearance. Where did I do this wrong, or who in my family did this? And I had to pay. Only with my parents do I feel normal, they love me for who I am, but I feel sorry for them, all the time they had to hear the sighs of relatives and friends. And I'm also the only onechild in the family.

Car: Zhanna

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