When everything secret sooner or later becomes clear

When everything secret sooner or later becomes clear
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story is not mine, but that of my very good friend, but told with his permission.

Once upon a time there wasfamily , been together for 15 years, two children, two wonderful girls - 17 and 7 years old, both beauties and smart people to look for. My friend works in a large government. corporation, in a regional division, as the head of one of the departments. A smart, purposeful, responsible person. His wife works at a shipyard as the head of the logistics department. I know this family very well, I knew both of them before their marriage, until recently they were family friends. In addition, I am the godfather of their youngest daughter.

They lived well, amicably, loved each other, never hid their feelings for each other. There is always peace, comfort, harmony in the house. Moreover, this is not ostentatious, not a popular picture, since I really know their family well, and have often visited them.

Not long ago they senthusband on a business trip a thousand kilometers from home to the central office of the corporation for advanced training. And so, when the business trip had already come to an end, my friend decided to go to the test-antibiotic.com bar to relieve his nervous tension and relax a little. And in a bar he meets a guy. They drink together, chat, tell each other stories from their lives. And then a new acquaintance of my friend tells a story about how he was on a business trip in his hometown 5 years ago. Their company supplied new equipment and installed it at the shipyard. And there he meets an employee of the logistics department (he gave his name) and a stormy relationship ensues between them.an affair with secret meetings and passion.

How my friend had enough composure and restraint, I don’t understand. He says to his friend: “This can’t be true, I know her too, she’s very serious.”a girl , she has a family and two children, you’re probably making something up.” And he begins to tell him the details of how they met, how together they figured out what to tell her husband in order to meet him at his hotel after hours, as well as some intimate details and about the tattoo on the body, which is visible only without clothes. My friend quickly ends this conversation and goes to his hotel.

It must be said that he test-antibiotic.com loved his wife very much, literally idolized her and during marriage did not even look at others, althoughprominent guy . A person for whom family and home are sacred. Upon arrival home, he packs his things for nowhis wife and children are absent and goes to a hotel. He sends his wife a detailed story about her ex-lover and a notice of divorce, sinceHe can’t forgive her, and he doesn’t want to. Filed incourt case for divorce, he doesn’t even want to see his wife, he hates her.

I visited him two days after his arrival. He himself asked for a meeting. I didn’t give him any advice. I told him: “You are an accomplished adult.“A man , you make your own decisions and are responsible for them.”

And now I want to say that the common cliches are “if he loves, he will forgive”, “if he has not forgiven, he does not love” and “he has forgiven, it means he’s in over his head.” This is all nonsense. It all depends on the person’s character, willpower and life principles.

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