Your children's comfort is your problem.

Your children's comfort is your problem.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For work, I often travel to other cities, and the train is most suitable. I choose one to sit down in the evening or at night, and in the morning already in place. Very tired of changing shelves. Some of the incidents shocked me to the core.

I take myself only the lower places, I want to sleep on the road or work on my laptop. On one of the trips I went to bed, earplugs in my ears and on the side. At one of the stations, a woman with a two-year-old child enters a compartment. I get up to lift the shelf and she put the suitcase down. The suitcase was packed, I straightened the bed and went to bed. Then he declares to me: “Girl, won’t you give in to us? Yazhesrebenkom, Onzhemalkiy. I refuse, I say that I'm spinning and I'm afraid to fall. I really get really tossed around at night, at home the bed is wide and then I manage to roll to the very edge,my husband laughs, which catches me.

I really liked the argument thata child may break something if he falls. And I? What if I fall and break something? I was told that I could not sleep at night. And how can only think of itself? On myThe question is , why should I expose myself to danger or endure inconvenience? It’s realistic that if I fall, then she will hospitalize me,medications , compensates? No.

They arrived on the top shelf, and in the morning she complained on the phone that she didn’t get enough sleep, that no one gave up her seat. Just a question: “What was mom thinking, taking such places?” And okay, maybe I would have thought during the day, but at night! What is the problem with paying the conductor extra for the seats they need? Why did she try to hang the comfort of her child on a stranger?

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