The cry of my soul

The cry of my soul
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It is sometimes very difficult to make a choice, and when your decision dependsthe life of your dearest person, your father, then this is simply excruciatingly painful! I was born when my parents were only 16 years old, they had a reallove , and it so happens that the first one is sexyexperience , gave them a gift in the form of me. No one had any doubt that they would give birth to a baby and be together. 10 years at the same desk, together everywhere, if Pasha (my father) is not there, then Nastya (my mother) will not be there.

I was born 2 weeks before graduation, they came to receive the certificate with me in their arms, and went straight home, althoughMom let my father go for a walk, but he didn’t care! Then my parents went to study atuniversity (my great-grandmother stayed with me), but when I was 9 months old, a tragedy happened, my mother was hit by a car and died. After the funeral, my relatives began to argue about what to do with me. My grandmother (my mother’s mother) wanted to adopt me, but my father packed a bag with things, took me in his arms and said: “My son is and I will raise him.”

We moved into a university dormitory until I was 2 years old, my grandmothers helped us, and then I went to kindergarten and my dad worked. From the age of 3 I was in a 24-hour kindergarten, but I spent all weekends with my father, I always had the best clothes and new toys, I was always clean and tidy. Since childhood, my dad said: “Remember Antokh, the main thing is clean socks and underpants, common sense and a strong-willed decision.” When I was 10 years old, we moved into our own apartment,my father taught me to clean, wash, cook, and go shopping. Then my father worked 20 hours a day, and I had to look after the house and at the same time do homework and study at school.

Dad really didn’t want the grandmothers to help us, but quietly the grandmothers came to our house one by one. I tried to study well so as not to disgrace my father, and that’s why I graduated from school with a gold medal. In my entire adult life, I have not seen a woman next to my father, no, most likely there were connections, because he is young and healthya man , but never once did dad bring a woman into the house and tell her to call her “mom.” After finishing school, I entered university in St. Petersburg, at first I called and wrote SMS very often, because I missed my father.

On one of the calls after a year and a half of training, my father asked to come to hisbirthday , he said he wanted to introduce me to someone. This someone turned out to be Marina - pretty, but a little complex, as it seemed to me then. She is 29 years old and works in a boarding school, my father told me. I congratulated my father on his good choice and left for school the next day. A month later, my father called and asked to accept Marinka in St. Petersburg, she really wanted to see the city, I couldn’t refuse my father. On March 20, I met her at the station, saw her and fell in love, she was completely different, not the same as at her birthday. With her I forgot about everything, we were always talking about something, laughing, and then it was my friend’s birthday, and we went with Marinka, danced, drank, sang, and in the morning we woke up together, Without clothing. We were in shock, I wanted to hug her, but she slapped her in the face, I asked for forgiveness.

For two days she didn’t want to go out anywhere, she just sat and looked out the window, and then she came up to me and said: “Okay, what happened was what happened, let’s go to the club,” and in the morning we woke up together again, but this time we spent the whole day in bed, and the next morning I woke up without her. Half a year passed and my father invited me to his wedding with Marinka, when I saw her my heart fluttered, and when I lowered my eyes, I saw an already rounded belly, which was in vain hidden behind the drapery. A couple of weeks after the wedding, I contacted Marina and asked directly: “Is this my child?” She replied that she didn’t know! I went for a consultation with a private doctor, he helped me calculate the approximate date of birth, if this is minechild , then he should have been born from December 29 to January 4. I was waiting for the birth of this baby, I came often, kept asking about Marinka’s well-being, dad couldn’t be happier about what kind of son he raised, how worried he was about his own!

On December 30, 2014, at 7:20 a.m., the little star Zlatochka was born; at 7:25 a.m., Marinka sent me an mms with the first photo of the baby and the caption: “Daddy, I was born.” I dialed her right away, but she said she had made a mistake! A year has already passed, the little one is becoming somewhat like me, I often come, babysit, very often I want to tell my father about what happened and that, perhaps, my Zlatadaughter , but every time I want to do this, I see my father’s happy eyes, I see how happy he is and I can’t. And I decided, I won’t tell, I’ll forget, let my father be happy, because he did so much for me!

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