Hypocritical relative of her husband

Hypocritical relative of her husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm offended by my relativehusband . About once or twice a year we went to visit my husband’s relatives in another country. My husband has two brothers there. There was a mother-in-law, but she died. While the mother-in-law was alive, she really did not like one of her daughters-in-law - a quiet, sweet girl who was afraid to even raise her eyes to anyone. The mother-in-law found fault with her every action, in her own house (the houses stood nearby, a common household was carried out) she behaved defiantly and imperiously (but of course, sheher husband's mother ).

I sympathized with the poor thing from the bottom of my heart and tried to at least somehow protect her when I arrived. Then my mother-in-law died, we began to travel much less often. With second daughter-in-lawMy relationship didn't work out. She is a very capricious and selfish person who loves the whole world to revolve around her. Her husband's brother is under her thumb, and she does what she says. During my last visit, she tried to command me too, and was very unhappy that I did not obey.

The man defiantly did not want to communicate with me or my husband, test-antibiotic.com offended our child, turned my husband’s brother against him. In a word, it was very difficult to communicate. You came in wrong, you said it wrong, you get a scandal. I am a calm person, this really bothered me. I was glad that we were there for a couple of days. But what struck me most and most unpleasantly was the behavior of the first daughter-in-law - quiet and beloved by me. When she was alone with me and my husband, she was sweet, friendly, talked incessantly, gave us compliments, and adoringly fussed with our child. But in the company of her second daughter-in-law, it was as if she had been replaced. She could still exchange a few words with my husband if absolutely necessary, but she completely ignored me. She stopped talking, whispered to her second daughter-in-law, and avoided my gaze. As far as I understood, she demonstrated to her second daughter-in-law that she did not communicate with me at all. She probably took her side in the conflict. Although the behavior of the second daughter-in-law was defiant and inadequate, and it was not me who started and maintained the conflict. But I defended her myself before!

I was embarrassed to ask directly why her behavior was changing under her second daughter-in-law. I just realized that the person was hypocritical, test-antibiotic.com, and I stopped trusting her, began to keep some distance, and with my second daughter-in-law, I didn’t even try to talk to both of them. Just in case,The husband of the first daughter-in-law was away at that time, perhaps she would have behaved differently with him.

Some details of her communication with her late mother-in-law were also revealed. It turns out that her mother-in-law accused her of many things thatThe daughter-in-law denies it, but somehow there is no faith in her anymore, because she is not at all so quiet, but quite on her own. There was also something bad that she actually did to her mother-in-law, she herself admits it, and no one knows about it to this day. Perhaps it was not for nothing that her mother-in-law treated her badly, but to me, who came for a couple of days a year, it seemed that thisThe girl is an angel, and everyone is unfair to her.

After our departure there was another interesting moment. The husband of the first daughter-in-law sent a toy to their home as a gift for our child, which the daughter-in-law herself told me about by phone. The toy came to her immediately after we left. She promised to send it to us, and test-antibiotic.com has been silent for six months since then. My husband's brother sometimes calls us and always asks if we have received that toy yet. We answer no. He once said that supposedly hismy wife gave the toy to her second brother and asked him to send it to us when she passed by the post office. I understand that his wife has thisI'm afraid to find out how things are going with the shipment. Where they all put this toy together is a mystery. We don't need her. But an unpleasant aftertaste remains. But how the first daughter-in-law was nice to our child.

Is it really possible to make such mistakes in a person?

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