My boyfriend got scared and left me when I got sick

My boyfriend got scared and left me when I got sick
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've never cheated on anyone, why cheat? Put an end to the relationship and go calmly left and right. But no, some people want to sit on two chairs at once.

When I met my first boyfriend, it was more of a friendshiprelationship , wooed methe guy is 7 years older than me, I now understand why he needed me. But I was a virgin and a decent girl. I told my firstto the guy that we won’t go out anymore, since another one has appeared. Until this gallant senior man of mine became my first man, about 1.5 years passed. He achieved it and managed to fall head over heels in love. Me too.

Everything was fine, like in the best melodramas. We were together for 4 years. He became my ideal. Simply, he was my world. Everyone around me was jealous of such a relationship, even myself. I didn't care about anything around him. I studied at a prestigious university and because it was hard, I got sick. And then my dear one was afraid of responsibility, what if I would never be cured, he even took back his words about me being his wife.

The strongest has begundepression , it seems we see each other less often, I was in hospitals, I left my studies because of my health. And then he thought that he would get sick and without educationwife ​Why does he need this? This is not what he dreamed of. She’s beautiful, smart, and here she’s sick and on the verge of life. He broke-up with me. Talked to me seriously, said that he would love everythinglife is only for me, and respect my future wife for the children. That's all.

I suffered from loneliness, from illness, from the fact that I loved studying, my student friends were all gone. I stayed, along with my parents and close people. I told myself, weak and thin with absolutely no vitality: “I am strong, I can handle everything.” I started fighting for my life. She took slow steps towards recovery. One day he called and asked to meet because he loved me. I agreed.

The next week I found out that he was the boyfriend of my neighbor, a girl 10 years younger than him. It turns out he cheated on her and me at the same time. I called this girl and was rude, saying what it ismy boyfriend . He called the next day and told me: “Don’t touch Irka, it’s all over between us.” And in general, I’m the worst, he called me names and said that I wasn’t actually a virgin. And she was created only to be in the role of a mistress, but not a wife.

Introduce yourself. He finished me off mentally. After this conversation, we saw each other one more time, he was in the car with her, I walked next to her. He ran out to meet me, hugged, kissed and talked about love in front of her. Maybe he felt guilty. This was the last time we saw each other. I suffered terribly, because I loved him, as it seemed to me. Or maybe she just lost her first man. Clean, bright, naive.

Soon Irka became pregnant and they got married. It was painful to see his car in the neighborhood. He drove by with her and looked at me. I was glad that I would know everything about him, the neighbors after all. On the wedding day, I sent him an SMS with the words: “My beloved, I wish you happiness, you deserve it.” I suffered on my wedding day June 16, IMom even took me to the forest for a picnic so as not to see the wedding procession under the windows.

How I survived everything, I don’t know. I wanted to go to a monastery, I even dreamed about it. I got stronger, graduated from college in absentia, and found a job. The gentlemen appeared, but somehow everything was not the same. Mythe friends all came outmarried , I was a witness to each, but there was no family happiness of my own. She loved him, her man.

Over time, a guy met me on social networks and came to visit me, and soon asked me to marry. I agreed. Another plus was being far from your traitor,forget everything like a bad dream. I really can breathe easier there. She admitted that there was a relationship. Everything is fair. He also hadyoung woman . I got married abroad, the wedding was like in a fairy tale.

Together for 10 years. I love minehusband , another, mature love. We have a daughter, and I work abroad in my specialty. All is well. Everything happens, as in every family, good and bad, difficulties and sorrows. My husband is good at Successful. Thank God for everything.

I flew to my mother after quarantine and the first person I met was my ex-man, a traitor and abuser, but still not a stranger. He's still just as charming. We met our eyes and lightning flashed in my soul. But that doesn't mean anything. I don’t even think about cheating on my husband. May everything be fine for everyone. Let there be less suffering and tears. And more joy.

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