My lover left me without even warning me

My lover left me without even warning me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Maybe someone will think this is nonsense, not worth any attention or worry. So, wave your hand, step over andforget . In fact, he did just that. He stepped over and forgot, scored and now, most likely, he is doing well and, as they say, is out of his mind. Which is also a shame.

In general, a strange thing, interpersonalrelationship . It takes two to start them. And in order to finish everything, it turns out that one thing is enough. Everything seems logical, simple and clear. But somehow it’s not human, or something. But this is so, deep philosophy in a shallow place.

We met, and I immediately felt sympathy and attraction for him, which I had not experienced for others either before or after. I would like to say that there was a spark between us, that’s what it looked like, but I won’t speak for him, because if there had been even a drop of love or desire to build a relationship, I think he wouldn’t have sneaked away on the sly.

There were bright and pleasant meetings. I felt incredibly good next to him. I felt with all my heart that he was truly dear to me. She didn’t force feelings, but she said that I care about him and like him with all his shortcomings. It was a joyful time. But not for long. For no apparent reason or prerequisite, he simply disappeared (not like a sausage in the refrigerator, but out of sight). Didn't call back or respond to SMS. I didn’t bother to find out, or call, or write. I just left everything as it was and his silence without an answer. That is, in fact, she silently supported his departure. I don’t know about the reasons that prompted him to act so vilely and selfishly with me, trampling my feelings and breaking my heart, and with our relationship. It is only clear that I would like to be together, I would not do this.

It's been 7 months since his cunning departure. There were other relationships. And I meet guys. But it's not the same. I understand that what happened with one will not happen with the other. But there is no joy from communication at all. I don’t feel anything towards new acquaintances on the basis of which new relationships could be built. And sometimes I remember him. Sometimes more often, sometimes less often. Sometimes I miss it, and sometimes I hate it because is disgustingact (probably, he thinks how cunning and dexterous he is, he merged painlessly and without problems from the next relationship). I’m not the first one from whom he slipped out like soap, “deftly” and silently.

Sometimes I get annoyed and angry. I want to give up and move on. But as it turns out, I’m moving on, but only looking back at the past, which still hurts in my heart. And I feel something similar to grief from loss. And sometimes I feel like a victim of circumstances: he wanted - he left, got bored - returned, and soon disappeared forever, like a foggy illusion, taking myLove .

Beauty, what can I say. On the 30th of every month I celebrate the next anniversary of living without him. It’s not that I’m celebrating, I’m just making a sad note in a lyrical mood that another month separates us, and I still remember every moment with him, remembering them involuntarily, which makes it even harder. Whether it's a rush at work, or a quiet, fine evening, or a pleasant, calm walk. And sometimes I dream that he has returned. And the dreams are so vivid that in the morning there is a feeling of an illusion of presence, as if was communicating with him, which makes him lousy all day.

If I were to read this story from the outside, I would say, what kind of fool is she? But, unfortunately, all attempts to reduce its importance in my eyes and let go of the situation did not bring the desired results. Periodically, this situation, his action, like a worm, drills into your brain until you “let in” this thought, reacting with emotions. I cry rarely, but bitterly. I'm really sorry. And I realize just as perfectly that nothing depends on me here. All I can do is thank you, although I really don’t want to, for what, exactly? For the rose-colored glasses he put on and broke, like in that song? For the illusion of love?

Gradually I regained interest in my hobbies,life has ceased to be a series of black and white frames and days replacing each other. But at times, sadness and bitterness awaken in the heart. I thought that after 7 months it would be time to forget a little and separate myself from the situation (especially since I don’t cultivate it in myself on purpose, on the contrary, I try to live in all sorts of interesting ways). And every 30th, after the so-called mini-audit, I come to the conclusion that feelings, expectations are simply hidden somewhere in the subconscious and are waiting for any weakness to break out into consciousness and torment me.

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