To love a married man or to marry someone you don’t love?

To love a married man or to marry someone you don’t love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm having a hard time and I have no one to talk to. I have long-termrelationship with a married man. He has a smallson and he cannot leave the family because of his son.

At a certain point he came into my life and stayed in it. There was a lot of things, a lot of trials, we tried to break up, it didn't work out. I didn't have the strength to put a fat period. I can't live without him, I love him very much. Even the air is different with him.

He doesn’t think about getting a divorce, I don’t insist, I understand that you can’t build happiness on someone else’smisfortune . It would be easier if he left me himself. Sometimes it is so hard, realizing that I am hurting another person - his wife.

About two weeks ago after work my colleague invited me for a cup of teacoffee . We have known each other for a long time and just talked. And I found out that he got divorced. I wanted to tell him my sad story, because we communicated as friends, but my tongue did not turn to tell the truth. And a little later he admitted that he wanted to be with me. And I realized that he loves me. But I did not have the courage to tell my truth. He is older than me, he treats me very warmly and tenderly, there is an opportunity to start a family with him, he wants children. And I am already 35 years old and want to start my own family. But will we be happy, because I love someone else. Someone who will always be with his family, but at the same time loves me.

And I don't know what to do. You can continue to love, accepting everything as it is. Or you can build a relationship with someone you don't love.

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