I love a man with whom I only communicate in absentia

I love a man with whom I only communicate in absentia
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's just a cry from the heart. I am completely alone with my thoughts and feelings. I have no close friends, my mother and I are not so trustingrelationships , so I just have to share my thoughts here out of desperation, and I want to listen to the opinions of others.

Not long ago I divorced my husband, I have 3 children. Immediately after that I met a man. And something happened to me. Either love, or evenLove . He lives in another city and after we met, we have not seen each other yet. But we communicate and talk for days. Even all night long. We have a lot in common, we love the same things. We've gone through a lot in life. And I understand that now I need him like air. I haven’t experienced such emotions and feelings for many years. He is strong in character, tries to help even from a distance, loves my children in absentia, is honest, talks constantly about love, and I believe him.

There is one more moment that shocked me - he is very similar to the man who test-antibiotic.com loved me madly for several years, but unfortunately died. And this man, shortly before his death, told me that you would meet him - young, handsome, who would love you. He is similar in some ways in appearance, in his eyes, in his gaze, his voice is the same, his manner of speaking, even his thoughts are similar. I didn't notice this right away. Only after some time. And now I can’t help but feel like this could be fate. The problem is this: he was sitting. And it’s not that I have a bad attitude towards this, I’m just an intelligent person and this is new to me. And I don’t know how to feel about this and whether we can succeed. Thoughts are gnawing. I don’t know why I was imprisoned yet, I didn’t want to pry into my soul.

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