Love and betrayal

Love and betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started out banal. Treason . There is a story on this site about howlover decidedreturn the wife to her husband. Everything was the same with my wife and I. Its shorta romance that ended in nothing. And then the fight for the family is one-sided.

In the end, I gave up; it’s impossible to fight against closed doors forever. Moreover, every time to see how she lives that novel, all his gifts and her constantly sad and detached face.

In general, to put it briefly, I went all the way, drank this cup of pain to the bottom, and simply burned out in this fire. Butlife is like a zebra - black stripe, white stripe, yesterday it was raining, and today the sun is shining.

I did not leave the family because of the children, my son was only 6 years old, my daughter was 8 and she was a very sick, fragile child. At that time, her illness had reached its peak, and from hospitalsthe child simply wouldn’t come out, and I worked two jobs and endless part-time jobs to save my daughter and support my family.

As a result, got what it got. But I don’t regret it, I love my children very much and in any case I did everything for them, and not for my wife.

But the ending of my story is completely different. Many years later, when the children grew up and left their parents' nest, my life began to change. By that time, I had changed my job to one, but it was bigger and highly paid, and I plunged into it headlong.

The children no longer needed me constantly around, my wife and I were complete strangers to each other, and accordingly, no one was waiting for me at home, and there was no need to return.

We communicated with the children on the phone and Skype, andwife , I don’t even know what to say about her. Of course, being left in such solitude and having received quite a lot of free time, I decided to kill two birds with one stone.

Firstly, to fill the time that was weighing me down alone, and secondly, I took charge of myself, decided to work on myself, decided to change myself at least a little and still do what I once wanted.

No, I didn’t set grandiose goals, of course not, I’m a realist and a normal person without a Napoleon complex and a thirst for money, success and power. I decided to get a little in shape, after all, nerves, stress and worries about my daughter pretty much knocked me down, and to be honest,His wife's betrayal hit no less. Plus, I finally decided to study the topics that interested me - philosophy, psychology, a little music and good old movies, books.

No matter how funny it may sound, I decided to return to the hobbies of my youth, computer games. I didn’t set any grandiose, large-scale final goal for myself, no, I understood that I was already old and everything important in my life had passed, even if not everything was successful (marriage ), but howFather , I realized myself, and this was the main thing for me. I just wanted to keep myself busy and get at least some benefit from this for myself, for my soul and my health.

But life is an amazing thing. Others saw my changes, not just me. The children saw this, and their opinion is very important to me. They said that seemed fresher and younger, I became happier, I seemed to have straightened my shoulders, and that’s actually what happened. I myself felt much better, and even breathing was easier and more pleasant; there was no longer a burden behind me that had been weighing me down all these years.

For the first time in many years, I no longer thought about the bad and concentrated only on the good, and there was a lot of good, in fact. My son generally said that I had finally become the way he remembered me as a child. In general, there was some progress and not only I liked it.

But a happy ending, such as usually happens in such life stories, especially in our time, whenThe Internet is replete with such things, it doesn’t exist. Some time later I met my wife, it was at my daughter’s wedding.

I won’t lie, I saw interest on her part, she had a twinkle in her eyes, she told me about it herself. We had a conversation in private, everyone was then in the hall and celebrating, and we went outside. The night was warm and gentle then, the sky was starry and clear, beautiful, just as she had once been. And we talked about everything.

She said that she realized everything, she said that she realized that her only love in this life was me, and she truly loved only me, and only I truly loved her. She offeredforget all grievances,forgive each other and asked to go back.

I didn't come back. No, it was not resentment and anger forbetrayal , I did not settle scores with her. It was simply impossible to return, there was nowhere to return. As they already wrote on this site in some story, I realized that the woman whom I had loved all my life, who was everything to me, she existed only in my head and in my heart.

I realized that I never knew my wife, I realized that even now I don’t know and I see a complete stranger, a stranger to me, a person for whom there are no feelings or emotions. I didn’t lie and told her everything as it was, it was a shock for her, and it was all very difficult for her, it was clear that it broke her. But there was no other way.

After a while we divorced. The divorce was difficult, she cried and sobbed, expressed pity and remembered all the good things. But memory is an interesting thing, I remembered everything, both the children and our youth, but I vaguely remembered the life that I had lived quite recently, it seemed. I had almost forgotten her betrayal and who she became, and how our marriage survived.

The good thing was preserved: how the children grew up, and how happy we were with them, but my wife and life with her after “everything”, she was almost forgotten, it was like a haze in a fog. And she was not the same, as if they had put her face on another person, the same face, a somewhat similar voice, but the person behind the mask was completely different and alien. But we got divorced anyway.

Now I live my new life, I take an active part in the lives of children, just as has always been and, of course, I babysit my grandchildren, whom, like my children, I love madly.

I also fulfilled my childhood dream and got a dog. As I always wanted as a child, I grew up to be a big, kind, loyal and shaggy dog, with whom we walk a lot and spend time together.

And as for the ex-wife and marriage. I don't know if you will understand me. Somewhere deep down I still love, and in my dreams I still sometimes dream about our youth and what we were like then. But there is one “but”. It’s like they’re two different people, that’s exactly how I see and feel it. One was then and three years before the betrayal, and the second appeared when everything happened and remained later.

So, I still love the first one in the depths of my soul, I sometimes dream about her, but with the second one I could not come to terms with the fact that she took her place, and I could not live with her and see her, a stranger unknown to me, but with her face and something similar voice. They are too different from each other, too different, as if day and night.

You know, sometimes sitting with my dog ​​on the veranda in the evenings, I look at the sky and think about everything. Perhaps some scientists are right and parallel worlds really do exist. And maybe in one of them everything was completely different, maybe the story went completely differently. I look, and a faithful and shaggy dog ​​is sitting next to me.

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