Love or habit?

Love or habit?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been dating a guy for a year and 7 months. For the first six months or a year, everything was almost perfect: they loved deeply, they flew in the clouds, they couldn’t spend a minute without each other. Then everything started to deteriorate: he started hanging out, he didn’t cheat, of course, but he spent time in the company of other girls, he didn’t want to take me, he refused, saying, we want to sit in the company of men. And in this very company there werehis friends' girls and their free onesgirlfriends . I was very jealous.

And one day, after another “party,” I felt so offended that I decided to take revenge. I called my ex-boyfriend and started spending time with him. As a result, we had intimacy, since he was my first love, I could not resist. Now I regret it very much, but, unfortunately, you can’t get time back. Mythe guy guessed that I had something with my ex, because he knew that I spent the night at his house.

After that, everything got even worse, trust was completely lost, they were arguingevery day . During another quarrel, he went out for a drink with two other girls and friends, went out with them several times, and one day he and one got to the point where they were going to sleep, but at the last moment he changed his mind.

I found out about this, it was very painful. But I understand that I have almost no right to blame him, because I myself did even worse. He was just getting ready, but I had already done it more than once.

Now, a month later, we almost forgot about it, made peace, occasionally we remember about it, but feelings andthe relationship is no longer the same as before, there is no longer that awe, that tenderness that was before the betrayal. He says he loves me, I think I love him too, but maybe it’s just a habit? Maybe there is no trace of love anymore?

Another problem is that he has one such friend who, every time we quarrel, inspires him: “Why do you need her, forget about her,” constantly calls him to walk without me, even when we are together. This is also unpleasant for me, I express it to myto the guy , he says that he will not listen to him, and we will spend time together, but these are just words, but in reality he still goes with him without me. And his friend is, so to speak, a womanizer, and I’m afraid that he will make my boyfriend the same. My boyfriend listens to him very much in everything, it annoys me.

Help me with advice on what to do in such a situation. I can’t decide whether to end this relationship or endure it until something so terrible happens.

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