Mom doesn't understand that I'm still a child

Mom doesn't understand that I'm still a child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 15 years old. I have a younger onesister , and I constantly help with her. Now I have left to study in another city, every week I come home for the weekend, and most often I don’t want to do this, because I know that there will be scandals again.

I don’t study in my native language, it’s hard for me to get 3-4. Mom doesn't like it, she gets angry. I come home and I’m almost always sure there will be a scandal. This week it happened again. Mom had surgery on Friday, the very day I arrived. By the time I arrived, she was already at home. I immediately went to her, hugged her, asked how she was doing, how she was feeling, she simply said: “It hurts, leave me alone.” I think, okay, good, after the operation after all. I didn't go near her.

This morning I decided that I needed to please everyone and make a cake. I did everything as usual, but something went wrong, the cream spread. Everyone constantly came to the kitchen, my sister shouted, “Let me do it,mom will come and say that everything is wrong, dad will come and say that he can help. Everyone interfered with My mood soured and I went into the room. Mom comes, consoles and immediately after that says: “go iron your clothes.” I went and stroked it. Mom immediately: “give me a massage, braid me, bring me this, bring me that.” I said that maybe enough is enough, I understand everything, but this is already impudence.

I worked out with a tutor, my mood lifted, I sat calm and minded my own business. Mom comes and tells me to go and teach poetry with my sister. We sat and taught for 2 hours, but she still couldn’t learn it, even I had already learned everything. I'mThe child is still basically starting to get irritated, I say to my sister: “Don’t you think you’re taking me out on purpose?” I start to raise my voice and then my mother comes running and starts yelling at me: “Stop scolding the child, I never yell at her when I teach! Why are you such rubbish, you can’t even help, you come once a week and think only about yourself!”

I couldn’t stand it, I started answering: “Mom, but you also scream when you work with her.” And she told me: “Don’t contradict your mother, I didn’t give you a word.” It was all mixed with insults. And before that, I had already slammed the door when I started to get irritated, so my mother gave me the following phrase: “You will pay me 5 euros every month and I don’t care where you get them. You break everything in the house.” So I tell her: “Why should I do this, because you’ve done twice as much damage in the house.” Again screams, insults, I couldn’t stand it, I sent her away in tears. So she herself burst into tears. She said that I was not grateful and left.

My sister refused to continue learning the verse, so I went into the room. About five minutes later my mother came again and started saying how bad I was, that she was hermy mother loves me, but I hate her. I told her that I think that she shows me that she loves me only when she needs something, and when I just did something wrong, she immediately says that she hates me. I told her that it would be better if I didn’t come from the hostel. She told me, that as soon as I turn 16, she will kick me out of the house and she doesn’t care where I live, even under the fence! My mother also said that I was already an adult and that I would figure it out myself. I told her that I was still a child and I didn’t have to be perfect. I still can't control myself 100%. She told me that since I dare to send her, that means I’m an adult, and I was and will be obliged to help her and my sister all the and I’m no child, but a brute who should have been beaten more in childhood.

All my life, from the moment my sister was born, my mother made me feel like an adult. I understand everything, but I can’t do this anymore. I love them, but I can’t stand it anymore, they don’t listen to me or hear me. The feeling that I really am hated and simply used. I don't want to go home anymore, I just can't live like this. I'm tired. Mom doesn't understand that I'm still a child, she shouldn't do this.

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