Mom does not force grandmother to be treated

Mom does not force grandmother to be treated
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My grandmother is 94 years old. Unfortunately, she has dementia. The disease itself began to develop several years ago. There were voices in my head at night, calling for some action or prophesying about the future. There was a deterioration in hearing and perception of the content of someone else's speech. There was forgetfulness and distraction. There were delusions that things had been stolen or changed from her.

Mymother went to the doctor. Grandma was dischargedmedication , and she got better for a while. But for a year now, my grandmother refuses to take medicine. First, she read the contraindications indicated in the instructions and concluded that drinking these drugs is very harmful to the body. And that's why she won't do it. And then she generally decided that everything was in perfect order with her, except for problems with pressure and with the stomach. And therefore there is no need to call a doctor and there is no need to drink medicines.

My mother takes care of my grandmother and her treatment. Mom believes that you can not force your grandmother to be treated by force. You need to convince her that this is the right thing to do. Well, since grandma doesn’t want to now, then we should try to persuade her a little later. In a few days.

This, of course, is wonderful, but only after a couple of days the grandmother, of course, does not want to be treated. And so a year passed. And the condition of the grandmother became much worse. Ideas about stealing or swapping her things intensified. Grandma is convinced that myher husband stole 6 scissors from her, which she bought when she was young, and which are stored in her room in the closet. The scissors are in place, but my grandmother believes that my husband simply replaced her scissors with others, bad ones, so that she would not notice the substitution.

Because of these scissors, we have been arguing with the whole family for several months. Grandma does not want to be treated. Mom hopes to persuade her. I hide my grandmother's ideas from my husband as best I can, and I don't know what to do. I suggest that my mother mix the medicine with her food so that she does not notice. But my mother believes that this is a deception, that this should not be done. You have to convince your grandmother. I cannot do it myself. Mom will notice. She does not allow me to solve these issues.

I'm trying to convince my mother that this is wrong. But then my mother gets hysterical. At she and herselfhealth problems . Something always hurts. She is constantly in a bad mood. But she doesn't want to deal with that problem either. And, probably, she simply cannot believe that her beloved mother, with whom she has lived soul to soul all her life, can go crazy. Meanwhile, grandmaterrorizes me every day with those damned scissors and curses my husband.

When I lost my nerve the other day, I tried to prove to her that she was wrong. That the scissors are the same, because I have known them since childhood. I said directly that not everything was all right with her, and she urgently needed to be treated. In response, my grandmother pushed me and threw two pairs of scissors at me. Well, at least it didn't hit. And in my arms at that time, by the way, was my littlechild .

Mom was not impressed by this situation. She said that it was my own fault that I entered into this conversation and began to object to my grandmother.

I'm afraid that over time, my grandmother may become even worse, and she will no longer recognize us Or she may become aggressive and start lashing out at everyone. I really didn't like that last scene with the scissors.

I don't know what to do.

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