Mom discusses my personal life with her friend

Mom discusses my personal life with her friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMom from her youth was friends with one not very good woman. She is my mother's age. Very ugly. One might even say terrible.

She has never been successful with men. Her personality is very angry and envious. She grew up in a rather poor family. I didn't really need anything in my life. But her parents loved her older sister more - prettier and more lively.

And she cannot forgive her parents and sister for the rest of her life. She always complains about how she was infringed upon in her family. Meanwhile, her parents made sure she had her ownapartment .

They even managed to trick her into marrying a handsome guy she liked. As a result, they never got along with that guy, divorced, she was left alone with her daughter. ButThe husband regularly paid alimony, and every week he came to visit his daughter.

This woman envied my mother all her life. Perhaps because my mother was quite pretty in her youth and was a success with men. But that didn't stop my mom from ending up in's position, no better than that friend.

My dad cheated on my mom, they got divorced. He did not help us, he shied away from paying alimony. He came to me several times after the divorce, then forgot about my existence. Mom raised me alone. We lived very poorly. There was nothing special in our life that should be envied. But that woman managed to envy.

When I grew up, I found that every time she visited, she said terrible nasty things to my mother - she criticized her every step, her appearance. And my mother, by the simplicity of her soul, does not notice anything of this.

She thinks that her friend is a wonderful person. That she really loves her. Well, he does not deny the nasty things that he says. She believes that apparently she does everything really wrong and looks terrible now, not like in her youth.

Mom was upset, but her friend believed in everything. I clearly saw that that friend treats her mother badly and does not love our whole family. There were a couple of times that I defended my mother and myself and put this friend in her place. I didn’t let everyone scold everything in our house, and didn’t let me criticize myself.

This friend realized that I have a tougher character than my mother, and began to behave with me more carefully. Then, to my relief, he and my mother had a fight. A friend, once again, pouring mud on everyone around, spoke very sharply about me. Here even my mother was offended by this and stopped communicating with her.

The woman did not give up so easily and occasionally began to call us on the home phone when my mother and I were at work. Only my grandmother remained at home, who was 90 years old, and who had already slightly fallen into childhood. Grandmother was very easy to talk to and ask her for any information about our family. Which is exactly what this friend did.

Upon learning of this, my mother called her friend once and asked her not to do this again. Grandmother was ordered to be silent. But, of course, the friend just laughed and continued her calls. And the grandmother was only offended by us that we forbid her to talk with such a sweet, kind woman, and the conversation continued. She couldn't hide it from us, she let it out anyway.

We couldn’t turn off the phone, because my grandmother needed the opportunity to call us if, suddenly, something. And she did not know how to use a mobile phone and could not learn.

If I were my mother, I would have curbed that friend. At the very least, I would have made her such a scandal that she would have lost the desire to contact me. But Mom just gave in and quietly let the calls continue. She begged me not to interfere.

But when my wedding was soon planned, about which I did not want to tell anyone in advance, and this friend found out this information from my grandmother, my patience came to an end.

I called her with a scandal, insulted her. I promised to come to her and beat her if she continued these calls. She expressed everything that I think about her meanness and cunning, as she finds out from an elderly person who is not in herself information about me and my mother. That helped. She separated from our family.

3 years have passed. I was already married, gave birth to a child. My marriage turned out to be quite problematic. My husband and I live with my mother. We have no financial means to leave. Mom doesn't get along with my husband.

And then, one fine day, that friend appears again. He writes to his mother congratulations on the birth of his grandson, talks about his grandchildren. And my mother, to my great displeasure, again begins to communicate with this woman. They do not meet, do not call up, but correspond on the phone all day long.

One day, my mother let it slip that they were discussing me, my marriage, my husband - all in a negative way. I was indignant and asked my mother not to discuss my personal life anymore. Mom apologized and promised not to talk to that woman about me again.

But, after some time, I got into my mother's phone and read their correspondence. And it was all about me. Her friend tried to turn her mother against me and against my husband. Frightened her that we would want to get rid of her, that we would command her in her own house.

Everything was especially directed against my husband. And I realized that my mother listens to the opinion of this lady, because she became nervous, angry, constantly offended by me and conflicts with her son-in-law.

I told my mother that I had read her correspondence and demanded that they stop discussing me. She warned me that that friend was obviously deliberately turning my mother against me and my husband.

What is the purpose, I don't know. It is possible for my mother to be unhappy, for her relationship with me and her son-in-law to deteriorate. Perhaps she wants to ruin my relationship with her husband. Since a friend’s personal life has failed, let no one be happy.

Mom was offended that I read her correspondence. She threw a tantrum that she was interested in communicating with this friend, that the friend is good, that my husband and I are bad, that the friend does not turn her against us at all.

In the end, I didn't achieve anything. Mom said she doesn't discuss me. She said it was an accident and she won't do it again. I had to apologize all day for reading her emails and promise that I would never do that again.

And, of course, neither my mother nor I kept our word Occasionally I read her correspondence with this friend, and there all the conversations are about me. The most intimate details of my life in marriage, my appearance after childbirth, my plans for the future with my husband, all the problems in the family are discussed. A friend, naturally, as best she can, adds fuel to the fire that we are bad. Provokes mother to quarrels. Again he criticizes my mother and me, boasts of himself and his daughter.

I don't know how to stop it. I don’t want to be discussed behind my back and quarreled with me about my mother. I don't understand how mom can be so naive, gullible and stupid.

Whatever the problems in the family, but I will never set up my mother and will not give offense. Perhaps it is already age that it is impossible to open your mother's eyes to the truth. But what to do?

I understand that in a good way it would be necessary to move out from my mother and not give her a lot of information about my life in marriage. But so far this is not possible. I'm on maternity leave, my child is a year old, I can't go to work yet. There is no money to rent a house or buy a separate one from my mother. My husband's parents live in another city, you can't move to live with them.

What would you suggest. How to convince mom to be careful with this girlfriend? Now, of course, the majority will condemn me for reading someone else's correspondence. But if I hadn't done it, I wouldn't have known the truth.

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