Mom condemns my husband and I's methods of raising children

Mom condemns my husband and I's methods of raising children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMom thinks that she is easy, that she is simple, and if someone is in conflict with her, then it is this person who is wrong, but often this is not the case. That’s why we often have misunderstandings with her and she gets offended.

We live separately, in another city, we have two small children. Mom comes every few months, and sometimes we take her with us on vacation if we are flying somewhere and can financially afford to pay for another trip.

Now we have a conflict due to the fact that my mother does not accept our methods of education. The eldest child is almost 5 years old, he has responsibilities (wash the floor, wipe the dust, put the dishes from the table in the sink, unload the dishwasher, put away his things) and activities (writing, reading, mathematics, development of logic, English). We study using special textbooks from the kindergarten (currently in quarantine). Any goodies (cartoons, tablet games)the son receives only if he works out and in a strictly limited amount.

Of course, housework duties are very conditional, everything has to be redone for him, but it is important for us that he be accustomed to work. Tantrums are also unacceptable. For me he squats, andthe husband is more severe, and may hit. The husband teaches him to negotiate, always listens to arguments, never says categorically no, but the little guy can get hysterical.

The mother asked to take the child to her city for a month, we told her that we would allow this to be done only if the mother would take care of the child and he would have exactly the same responsibilities and routine as at our home. Mom began to be indignant that we were torturing the child, that he should have childhood and holidays. We said that in this case, the child would not go to visit her.

She was very offended and now does not speak to us.

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