Mom refused to help me during my difficult time

Mom refused to help me during my difficult time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I can't find a common language with my mother. I am 29 years old. I have been living separately for over ten years. All my mom has on her mind ismoney , and this is not just my opinion. All conversations and interests come down to them. She calls every day and immediately starts telling her how much she spent and what she bought. She constantly cries to everyone that she has no money. He asks where I spend mine and how much I received. And this despite the fact that she herself has been sitting at home for 16 years and does not work, although she is still a young woman. She is only 52 years old.

The father works and receives a good pension. But it’s not enough for her! Recently my father was admitted to the hospital, and naturally he did not go to work. So she was worried not about the fact that he got sick, but about the fact that she would have to spend money onmedicines and now he will not receive a salary. He says that he did it on purpose to leave her without money. My brother still lives with them. Lives, it is said loudly. He comes home at 23:00, and runs away in the morning so as not to listen to her endless complaints about money. Buys for himselfgroceries , eats in her room, gives her money to pay for utilities. And she says that he stopped even eating with them so as not to give her money, that he uses soap, but does not give money for soap. Absurd.

Left me recentlyMy husband and I now need to go to work to feed ourselves and our children. The 3 thousand rubles he gives is only enough for the youngest to buy porridge. The youngest is still small, 6 months old. I talked to her and my mother-in-law. They agreed that they would sit with the little one for 2 days. My schedule is 4 to 4. And so she called me again yesterday and said that she changed her mind. I say that I have nothing to eat and nothing to feed my children. And she told me: “I have nothing to help you with, I don’t have money, but if you want to get a job, send the little one there and let them do what they want with him.” My mother-in-law doesn’t mind helping me, but she herself works 6 days a week and even these two days that she promised to help me she has to somehow get out. Amy mother handed me 1 kg of potatoes with the words, if you cook them, you won’t die of hunger. SeniorShe takes her daughter for the weekend, and then calls me and says that she spent a lot of money on her. And last weekend she told me not to send it. She has no money in her weekly budget for her granddaughter.

I'm already ashamed in front of people. Neighbors and friends constantly feel sorry for me. Are you in this situation now, do your parents even help? But I have nothing to say. They bring me pasta and cereals to help. My father says that he will probably move to live with me to help, that he would rather help me and my grandchildren, and leave half of her pension for food. But I do not want. I don't want them to separate. Memy mother , if I leave her without a source of income, will die from the world.

What should I do? How to improve relationships?

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