Mom read my correspondence on the Internet and now doesn’t talk to me

Mom read my correspondence on the Internet and now doesn’t talk to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMom read all my correspondence insocial network without notifying me about it.

She is a believer, she behaves appropriately, she has never hit me, she rarely swears, since I am a very well-mannered child by nature.

I'm 13 years old, I'm in 8th grade. It so happened that I didn’t find good friends in my immediate circle, so I found them on the Internet. I had someone to talk to after a hard day, to chat with. But I started to notice that it was affecting me a little badly. I am a believer, I study well, I don’t go out with boys, and I don’t go out at all. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t swear at all in real life, but on the Internet...

Mom doesn’t follow my page on the social network, which is why I sometimes allowed myself to excessively use obscene language, but yesterday, when I returned from school, I discoveredmother sitting in a chair with a telephone. Usually she greets me joyfully, but then I heard yesterday: “now I understand what you really are like.”

Everything inside me literally shrank, my heart went cold and I had to listen to a speech that made me very ashamed, and I think about it very often, I cry constantly, and I have no desire to be near my mother. She said that she did not expect this from me, she thought that I was such a good girl. “It turns out that you are what you are, you curse at everyone. Do you even think about what you’re writing about?” - Mom looked at me.

My mother is an emotional person, she walks around upset, doesn’t kiss me in the morning and almost doesn’t talk. I feel very sorry for her, but I am ashamed myself, and my condition now is simply terrible, I want to fall into the ground. How should we behave now, and how long will our relationship last?

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