Mom believes that household appliances are not needed in the house

Mom believes that household appliances are not needed in the house
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Now there is an opportunity for all housewives to make it easier for themselveslife and save time on homework with the help of household appliances. But mineMom doesn’t think so and constantly scolds me for what I (in her understanding) wastemoney instead of saving it for a rainy day. I’m trying to explain to her that the money that she and her father earned so hard, since they both worked in construction, disappeared somewhere without a trace, they also put it away for a “rainy day,” saving on literally everything, and I’m not going to repeat it errors. But she doesn’t want to listen to anything, and since she lives with us, she’s already tired of the whole family, even the children, with her comments. She doesn’t want to listen to any arguments when I say that times have changed, she only gets offended that I don’t listen to her advice.

My husband and I agreed that we would buy, if possible, different kitchen appliances. We bought the very first one when they first appeared, a microwave, then a bread maker and a blender. The bread machine produces very tasty bread, and is cheaper than buying it in the store. My mother comments on every purchase we make, going so far as to forbid my youngest son from heating up his lunch in the microwave when he returns from school, saying that it’s very harmful, and that the lights are shaking. Seniorher son no longer listens to her, he has learned to ignore her comments, although he used to try to explain everything to her. This upsets my mother very much, she often cries and says that she regrets moving to us. To tell the truth, I’m not very comfortable with her either; I have to constantly defend her and justify her to my husband. It would seem that live calmly with everything ready, do not interfere in anything and do not ruin the lives of others. But where is it?

Whenmy husband gave it to mebirthday dishwasher, my mother began to tell me that I was a lazy woman, I couldn’t even wash a cup and she was ashamed of me. Mom doesn’t eat lunch cooked in a slow cooker; she cooks it separately in a saucepan. We are already accustomed to her dissatisfied conversations, but if guests come to us, my mother tries to tell everyone that we are wasting money on all sorts of unnecessary things, just because it is so fashionable now. She doesn’t want to admit that it’s convenient. I don’t even know how to convince her.

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