Mom got cats and ruined the apartment

Mom got cats and ruined the apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I found the site by accident and decided to share my sore point too. The point is that myMom brings cats into the house. As a result, our fully comfortable two-roomthe apartment has turned into a natural homeless shelter. Everything is torn, gnawed, and spoiled by animals.

A couple of years ago, my husband and I couldn’t stand it and renovated my mother’s house; today there is nothing left of this renovation. Mom is no longer young, she tries to look after the animals, but she can’t really keep track of them. We have six cats. At this age, it’s hard for a person to keep things clean even without animals, but with animals it’s just darkness. The apartment is already being destroyed at the level of major renovation (cats contaminate the cracks between the baseboards with their urine, the ventilation system and everything else). Mom consistently stinks of cat urine (she hasn’t smelled that for a long time).

At the cost of incredible efforts, we managed to persuade my mother to place three cats somewhere, but she herself does not want to place them, and I try, but no one wants to take ill-mannered adult outbred animals. I do not know what to do. We cannot handle repairs every 2 years, either physically or, especially financially. The idea of ​​giving cats for paid foster care and not taking them away from there is becoming more and more common. I don’t know whether it’s right to do this, but at the same time, what way out of this situation can be found.

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