My boyfriend's mother is against our relationship

My boyfriend's mother is against our relationship
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been dating a young man for three years, and now our relationship is falling apart. At first I didn’t like him when he was courting me, and since there were no more options, I decided to try dating him, and subsequently fell in love myself. We traveled together to Nepal, South America, Thailand. He didn’t seem very reliable to me, but I liked that he was smart and I felt good with him. A couple of times he lost me in Nepal because he didn’t wait for me at a fork in the road, and I went where I saw fit. But I forgave him everything because I loved him very much.

Now my situation is very difficult, for three years that we dated, we never lived together except for traveling, everything is very good when traveling. He lived with his mother together because he explained that she had diedhusband , she wants to die, we need to support her. HisMom owns the apartment she lives in and the house where we live now.

She does not give me life, without me she touches my things, underwear, rearranges my things, although she herself says that she does not touch other people's things. She manages my property and behaves like a mistress. I, in turn, think that she hasapartment , why not give freedom to the young then. For every home there should be one mistress who creates comfort and takes care of her loved one. To meOleg’s mother is biased (she found dirty dishes at home a couple of times six months ago) I had a very busy five-day work schedule on both Saturday and Sunday. I was resting and wanted to sleep as much as I wanted, so I came to my place at half past ten and half past eleven to see if the dishes had been washed. I wanted to wash the dishes in the evening, but her son said that it was better to rest and wash the dishes tomorrow.

Then she found stains on the blanket a couple more times and said that she was extremely unpleasant, but I admit that I am a person, not a robot, and I would have washed the stains myself if I had seen them. One day she decided to take a book from my shelf while I was away, and horribly bent my sculpture, without saying a word and leaving everything as it was. Her son told me that she was wiping dust from my shelf, I decided to talk and ask that I wipe the dust myself, and told the facts that I saw after my mother left. As a result, Oleg’s mother began to scold me, of course, I shouldn’t have paid attention to such a trifle, but I just wanted to talk, find understanding, and I told her son in advance what I would say about the bent soldier. It was very unpleasant for me that I found out that I was rude, and that I needed to get out of her house. Her son Having heard all these insults, he did not protect me. I always talk to people politely, no one ever said anything bad, and it was terrible for me to hear her words. We are 13 years apart from her son (I’m 25, he’s 38).

I now regret that I paid attention to my bent thing, I believe that all people can make mistakes and if she was a wise woman, she would forgive me. But Oleg’s mother hated me and wants to express her anger again the next time she meets me. My boyfriend tells me that he cannot stand up for me, because he cannot go against his mother and loves me. And now, when I got sick and went to my relatives, I’m in the hospital, he wrote to me that he doesn’t know whether he loves me or not. I sincerely love him, he doesn’t want to call me, he only called me once, he talks to me dryly. I don’t know what to do, I really love him very much, I care about him and I want to make him happy. He doesn’t want to get married and doesn’t want children yet, although he said the opposite six months ago. I am so sorry.

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