My mother lives in my apartment, and I have to rent a place

My mother lives in my apartment, and I have to rent a place
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are two daughters in our family. Mymy mother divorced my father when I was 2 years old, got together with my stepfather and had a babydaughter _ I myself, as a 10-year-old child, gradually turned into a nanny for my sister. We constantly had scandals at home, my stepfather began to drink and constantly beat my mother, the police were often at our house, every time there were showdowns, the neighbors were interrogated. MyMom , so that I wouldn’t see all this, put my sister in the stroller (at that time it was an infantchild ) and sent me outside to give her a ride, and so we walked with her until the passions in the house subsided. When I came home, I saw my mother either had a black eye or bruises all over her body. I asked and begged my mother many times to leave this tyrant, and we left, but not for long, as soon as it became hard, my mother immediately gave up, and we returned to this hell. Therefore, I grew up very quickly, and I wanted to run away from there without looking back.

I met a guy at the age of 15, when my mother found out, she became furious, but then she walked away, invited him to meet him, and gave the go-ahead for us to date without nonsense. He became a dear person to me, now after so many years that we have been married to him, I can say that I never had love for him, he just gave me that warmth that, as a child, I did not receive from to his mother. He took me in for full support, dressed me, put me in shoes for school, he was only 23 years old at the time. Not having much income, he made money by playing football, and counting all hisHe spent money only on me. At the age of 16, I moved in with his parents, and we lived with them for some time, but thenthe relationship deteriorated and we moved to an apartment, I found out thatpregnant and we urgently played a small wedding, no matter what, taking out a loan for it. Mom ruined my mood by saying that my dress was terrible, the wedding was terrible, and that we almost embarrassed ourselves in front of everyone. At that time, it was so offensive to hear this, and I said that she had no right to say anything, since we had the wedding as best we could, no one helped us.

It was very hardmy husband worked several jobs, paid off the loan and still lived in a rented apartment. Later it became easier, having passed a thorough check, he was accepted into the border service and life more or less began to improve. My husband was constantly on business trips for 4-5 months and in fact I raised the child myself. One fine day my stepfather beat my mother again, and she and her sister came to me. She asked me to live with us, saying that she would help me with the child and financially help me pay for the apartment. I agreed, thinking that it would really be easier to live this way when my mother was around, but my life soon turned into hell. Mom, not only did she not help financially (with her arrival, the utilities in the apartment increased by one and a half, or even 2 times), she also always tried to giveadvice that I don’t know how to manage money correctly, that I’m living wrong When I started presenting to her what she promised to help, she answered me that she had no money, but my husband and I could afford to pay for an apartment and utilities with our money, and that she didn’t owe anything to anyone at all. . My sister was always lazy, she didn’t want to do anything, it was even impossible to force her to wash the dishes at the age of 14, she constantly snapped at me, saying, do everything yourself.

This situation made me tenseevery day more and more and the worst thing is that when my mother came home from work, the house was clean and tidy, the food was prepared, I still had to greet her with honors, so my mother came home from work, run to set the table for her and more be very kind and sociable with her. If I didn’t meet her like that, but went to the child’s room, she immediately began to be indignant that I was unhappy, and in the end my mother and I had such a fight that a fight broke out. She started beating me, tore out a lot of my hair, I, too, naturally did not stand with folded arms, at one in the morning I grabbed my son in my arms and left, wherever I was looking, I left my apartment to my aunt. Mom continued to live there, lived until the end of the month, paid for utilities and left.

I stumbled, fell in love and left my husband for another, my mother at that moment supported my husband, did not keep in touch with me, my husband bought an apartment with a mortgage at the time we separated. I don’t know how it happened, but my mother began to live in the apartment that her husband bought. They seemed to have agreed that until the husband’s contract expired, so thatthe apartment was not empty; she would live there and furnish it for rent (buy a kitchen, furniture, and so on). Later I realized that I loved my husband, and the fact that I betrayed him was my biggest mistake in life. He forgave me, and I returned with my son to him, but not to our apartment, bought by my husband (since my mother and sister lived there, and I could not live with them under the same roof, such experience was enough) , and to the house of her husband’s parents. But here we were not given life with the child, now we live like on a powder keg, my husband’s stepfather drinks and attacks his mother-in-law with his fists, swears at my son, and yells at the whole house at night. In short, it doesn’t give any life to my son and me at all.

I wrote to my mother that I wanted to move into our apartment, but said that we could not live together with her, made it clear that little is good, and so I lived in the apartment for free for a year, without buying anything for it except a sink and a sofa. To which she told me that she doesn’t have money to move into an apartment, that they say come and we’ll all live together, I said that this won’t happen, and as a result, now I’ve moved to a rented apartment and I’m paying 15 thousand for it, and my mother lives and doesn't give a damn.

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