Dreams of higher education haunt me

Dreams of higher education haunt me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I studied well at school, but I did not even dream of higher education. Parents immediately warned that there was no money and that they needed to go to work. But I still graduated from college, moonlighting all the time (as a cleaning lady in the evenings) to pay for my studies.

I was lucky with the work, I immediately got into a friendly team. True, the salary was not very much thanmy mother constantly scolded me. She said that a neighbor in the supermarket at the checkout gets more. I am an economist, so my mother perceived me as a sales worker. I did not try to convince her, I paid my share for a communal apartment, boughtproducts , crumbs remained for themselves. I was already thinking about finding a part-time job again, but I was noticed and promoted to the head of the department.

Now, six years later, I have a good position, a promising company, but the thought that there is no higher education gnaws at me. The salary and working conditions are completely satisfactory, but the feeling of superiority of colleagues in front of me does not leave. A friend tells me that a university degree is not the main thing now, we need competent specialists in their field, and not just people with higher education. Moreover, education in our time - test-antibiotic.com is an expensive pleasure.

Exacerbates the problem and what myThe guy graduated from university. We have been living together for three years, we have plans for a family and children. And here I am with my training! He says it's a waste of time, the result will be the same. And that instead of enjoying life, I'm going to spend time on passing exams and tests. You have to be content with what you have.

Maybe he's right. The wedding and the birth of a child will have to be postponed if I enter a university. I understand this, but I know that this missed opportunity will torment me all my life. But I'm not talking about full-time education. After all, there will be students who have just graduated from school, and I am already 27 years old. So only in absentia. But it also takes time, effort andmoney .

Classmates in social networks brag about achievements, careers, they are successful, and I am like a gray mouse against their background. Do not write to me that I graduated from college! Although for me other people's achievements are not the main thing, my own inferiority still haunts me.


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