I'm worried about how my husband's brother treats me

I'm worried about how my husband's brother treats me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

UI have a husbandBrother . He's young and fitboy . His parents helped him buy an apartment, and so he moved into it. We were invited to a housewarming party. To be honest, I expected to see his girlfriend at this meeting, but as it turned out, he had recently broken up with her.

My husband and I have known each other for more than 4 years, the “spark” in the relationship has faded a little. What keeps us close to each other is rather a sense of comfort and common plans for the future.life thanLove . I haven’t felt passion for him for a long time.

During the housewarming feast, I drank too much and allowed myself to relax - I joked and carried on conversations on various topics, danced with other men. In the evening mymy husband , being the most sober, volunteered to escort home a friend who had had too much to drink at the table, and the owner of the apartment and I were left alone.

At first we just went out onto the balcony to smoke, but we started talking, andcommunication somehow naturally turned into flirting. I was under the influencealcohol , and just joked, relaxed and enjoyed the attention of a young, handsome guy, but he took it seriously. It seemed to me that test-antibiotic.com my husband’s brother understands that nothing can happen between us, I am generally against cheating, and here we are also talking about family relationships. He behaved somewhat strangely, but did not allow himself anything unnecessary that evening. Fortunately, the husband soon returned and this young guy began to behave normally again. We continued to have fun and relax, and closer to morning we took a taxi home.

A few days later I had already forgotten about the funny thing that had happened. I only remembered when he asked to be my friend and started writing on social networks. On the one hand, it was a polite, friendly conversation, but on the other hand, I understood that my husband’s brother’s interest in me was caused only by our flirting with him. I tried to communicate with him dryly, and he fell behind.

Soon, at a family holiday, he simply glared at me, tried to catch me alone at every opportunity, and pinned me in the corridor. I told him that he misunderstood everything and that I was just joking, but he didn’t believe me. Now he continues to write to me and flirt.


My husband does not yet notice what is happening under his nose, otherwise a scandal would break out, and I would be made the last one in it. I now disown all their family gatherings, just so as not to run into this guy again. I hope he finds a girlfriend soon or makes peace with his ex. But my husband’s brother recently said that he would “open everyone’s eyes on me” if I didn’t stop avoiding him. He thinks I'm playing with him.

I understand that I myself am to blame for this situation, but I don’t want mythe marriage collapsed. My husband and brother are very closerelationship , and I'm afraid that he will believe him and not me.

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