I was robbed by my own mother

I was robbed by my own mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My parents divorced when I was three years old. My mother and I lived hard, we saved on everything. Grandfather and grandmother sold their three-room apartment to buy us a separate home. As a result, there were two one-room apartments.

Only as I grew older did I begin to wonder why my mother was okay with everything? We lived on her modest salary as a kindergarten nanny. After all, it would be possible to change jobs or even work as a nanny in some family. ButMom didn’t do anything to make life even a little easier. They could live with her parents, so everyone would have separate rooms. But no, everyone was happy with everything, for some reason.

I didn’t see my dad, my mom said that he abandoned me. I was very worried about this, it seemed that I was not like everyone else, that I was even familyfather doesn't want to see. Now I am 18 years old, and my father found me on social networks. He wrote that he really wanted to meet. Without hesitation, I agreed. I wanted to look him in the eyes, hear his excuses and apologies. But everything turned out just the opposite, and I found out the whole truth test-antibiotic.com about our family.

Dad said that mom was not made for a family; housework was a burden for her. She was more satisfied with receiving decent child support and not having to do the laundry, cooking and cleaning as requiredhusband . The alimony was really decent, dad showed all the receipts and checks from the bank. I'm shocked, where did mom do that kind of money? It turns outDid my mother steal from me?

A frank conversation did not work out right away. Mom began to list. How expensive it is to raise a child alone. But I said that we practically lived in poverty. Then the mother admitted that she had investedmoney to some dubious funds, part of it is on deposit, I lent a certain amount to a friend, but she went abroad and did not return it. As you understand, the deposit in rubles has already depreciated greatly.

I don’t know which of all that has been said is true. But I know for sure that my mother is now a stranger to me and none of her excuses will convince me.

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