My eldest son annoys me

My eldest son annoys me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have two sons. The eldest is 5 years old, and the youngest is only 1.5 years old. I have terriblerelationship with my eldest son almost from his birth.

This is desirablepregnancy and long-awaited child. But sometimes I get the feeling that he was born to torment us all. At first, he screamed nonstop for up to three months. All children cry, you say, but no, not all, secondThe child is not yelling, he is behaving normally. Then he started pinching us before bed, and this started around seven months ago, then he stopped eating normal food and it’s still very difficult to feed him anything. The son doesn’t listen, yells and doesn’t want to do anything. Now I'm hitting him and yelling at him in return, becausemy son annoys me. Many will think that the reason is me!

Yes I'm impulsive, yes mymy father yelled at me as a child and humiliated me. But my second son is completely different, although he is small, he understands everything, does not scream, obeys, eats normally and I have no negative feelings towards him, but towards my eldest son I always feel anger, hatred, and sometimes disgust sometimes. I myself understand that I need to change, but how?

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