I'm worried about my past, which I'm afraid to even remember

I'm worried about my past, which I'm afraid to even remember
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm a believera girl , but she wasn’t always one. Before I accepted baptism and Christ into my heart, I did things that I deeply regret. You will be very surprised, but I come from a believing family and my parents do not know anything about this. I always dreamed of going outI married a virgin, but I played it out.

About 5 years ago, before repentance, I had an intimate relationship with more than one man, I took this issue very lightly and the firstthe man I was with deceived me, although it was my own fault, and deprived me of the most precious and pure thing in a woman’s body. I thought very stupidly at that moment, believing that everything was already lost and it couldn’t get any worse. In a fit of despair I tried to drown out thispain from several other partners, and later, when I realized what I had done, I felt remorse for what I had done and I developed a wild disgust for myself.

Later, after a little time, I decided to firmly devote mylife to God my Savior and repent to test-antibiotic.com everyone. I cried for a very long time and begged the Lordforgive me and cleanse me. After six months of bitter prayers, I feltforgiveness and healing. To this day I don'tI'm married and I'm afraid of this day when the futureMy husband will ask me if I’m a virgin, what will I answer him, because I have no excuse. I don’t even know if I can find a person to whom I can honestly say and he will forgive me from the bottom of his heart and not remember me. I am tormented by regret to this day. I never want to go back to the past, I'm fed up with it!

Do you think I should tell my husband about everything I’ve done, and how? And is it normal to regret what you did after so much time? I really want toto regain my virginity, but this, alas, is impossible. Please share with me what you think about all of this.

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