I'm happy with a civil marriage

I'm happy with a civil marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I told my parents back in my first year of university that I didn’t want toI’m married , I dream of making a career. Mom convinced me that the most important thing for a woman isfamily , children, not work. My father then simply laughed, saying that I had not yet met my “prince.”

But I persistently pursued my goal, not paying attention to my mother’s tears and my father’s dissatisfaction, when even at the age of 30 I did not think about marriage. Although then I already hadguy , lived separately, renting an apartment. My parents didn’t like him, they said that “common-law husband” even sounded indecent. They accused him of not marrying me.

Now we have been together for 15 years. From the very beginning we did not plan to get married, much less have children. Official status is a relic of the past. We now have our ownI bought an apartment with an equal investment; I have a dog and a cat. We have the same views on everything. But all our friends are surprised that we still haven’t formalized ourrelationship . Our parents are especially unhappy.

I’m not going to change anything in my test-antibiotic.com life, I’m so comfortable, and I don’t think about the future. My eldestmy sister is divorced and is raising three children alone. ButMom thinks that this is still better than nothing at allnot to be married .

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