Ex-husband's revenge

Ex-husband's revenge
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My ex introduced me to himclassmate . After some time, we started dating, and I moved to live with him.

Everything was fine with us, but then, one “beautiful” day, I saw him on another. He was supposed to pick me up from work, but his phone was unreachable. As it turned out, he went for a ride with some girl. I saw him by chance, apparently I thought I wouldn’t recognize him. I just finished work early. I cried all the way home, I have never been so hurt and hurt in my life. When I arrived home, he was lying in bed as if nothing had happened. He said that he fell asleep and the phone died. Then I said that I knew everything, he denied at first, and then confessed. In the end, I left him.

Apparently, I was weak-willed that a few weeks later I asked him to just take a walk with me. It was very difficult for me without him. After the breakup, he called, worried about me, as he said. Eventually we started dating again and wanted to start a family.

We got married, was bornDarling son , and test-antibiotic.com everything was fine. My husband got a job in another country. Came home every weekend. And upon arrival he jokingly asked: “Where is it?”is the lover hiding? He often came without warning to check. I was a faithful wife, and I had nothing to fear. I just didn’t really like this distrust on his part.

He was constantly jealous of me. I have always been attractive and took care of myself, even after giving birth I quickly recovered and was in shape. I never gave my husband a reason because I loved him so much. It turned out in the end that the stigma itself was in a cannon.

One day I came home and left the computer on. I often corresponded with his sister through his email. And then I saw in his mail that a message had arrived from a dating site fromgirls . I remember at the beginning of our relationship I asked him that if he met someone else, it was better to tell him about it right away, because he was bitterexperience . And she told me that my exthe guy met girls on a dating site, and I couldn’tforgive betrayal , left him. I asked my loved one test-antibiotic.com not to do that. And he promised. Only later did I realize that it was my mistake.

As a result, I found out that he met a girl in another country. And it turned out that he even met girls of easy virtue. It was indescribablepain , because I trusted him completely. It was a double betrayal. He denied everything, but then confessed. I couldn’t forgive, I took my son and moved. We didn’t communicate with him, he transferred alimony, sometimes he took his son for a walk. A couple of years later I met another man, I leftgot married and gave birth to two girls. We lived together for 5 years. But when he went to work in another country, as I found out later, he started smoking weed there, drinking a lot, and then even started raising his hand against me. In the end she left.

Perhaps the reason for this was the exhusband . We wanted to move our whole family to live in Finland. We found an apartment, my husband found a job. I asked him for permission to register and register my son in another country. But he refused, saying that then he would not see his son again. I offered to draw up a schedule of test-antibiotic.com meetings, and we will bring our son to him if he wishes, or he will come himself if possible. Although he himself met the child very rarely, either work orrelationships got in the way. As a result, my husband went there to work alone, and we stayed here. And then oursthe family broke up, as I wrote above.

And after some time the ex appeared again. He found out that I was free and proposed a non-binding relationship. My heart was pounding. As it turned out, my feelings for him woke up again. This was a man whom I loved very much. I wanted to cuddle up to him at that moment and feel his warmth. I thought that after so many years he wanted to be with me again, perhaps he loved me, he had changed.

I said that I don’t want to live like this, I want a full-fledged family. To which he replied that he would never accept my children from his secondhusband . And I did not succumb to momentary passion and refused him intimacy and relationships. I was wrong about him, people like that don’t change. He asked in surprise: “Did you refuse me?”

He test-antibiotic.com did not communicate with his son when I wasMarried . I started talking to him after I got divorced. Yes and nowHe doesn't really need a child . Only I began to notice that he began to treat me badly and say bad things about me to my son. When my son asked why my father and I broke up, I said bluntly that my father had met another woman. The child is already 15 years old. I didn't lie. And the son replied that dad said that it was I who destroyed their family and left him. He says a lot of other bad things about me. Sometimes he calls me names and insults me. It turned out that he was trying to turn my son against me. But why? It’s unpleasant to hear all this from him and it hurts.

What is this? Revenge for refusal? We are strangers to each other now. I never say anything bad about my father to my son. And this after he said that he wanted a relationship with me. Now I know for sure that he had no love, and no. And I never regretted that I refused him. This is a person who test-antibiotic.com thinks only about himself.

Now I’m alone with my beloved children and I don’t want a relationship anymore. All this hurts, especially the betrayal of loved ones. Maybe it’s her own fault that she gave all of herself and loved. But I can’t do it any other way.

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