To put up or not to put up with your son and daughter-in-law?

To put up or not to put up with your son and daughter-in-law?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a protracted quarrel with my eldest son and daughter-in-law. A complete break in relations for almost 2.5 years. Hard years. Son is 36 years old, daughter-in-law is 35. They live separately, no children.

All ourfamily , almost 20 years old, already in the UK. In London. Daughter-in-law of a foreign language, a mentality alien to us. However, this did not prevent us from living peacefully and well for two years together, in one house. Two years before they were painted.

Many unpleasant and impartial things were said to each other. Not at all, not in a bunch of mother-in-law-daughter-in-law, oddly enough, but father-in-law-son-daughter-in-law.

We had the imprudence, the stupidity, to openly express our opinion to our son about his proposed marriage. At his own request, by the way. But with the caveat that he makes the choice himself. After all, he has to live with this man. The son redistributed our entire conversation to her. The daughter-in-law began to take revenge.

I decided to turn to our community with the following question: today the youngest son (peacemaker and parliamentarian) made a statement to us that the son and daughter-in-law want to take steps towards reconciliation.

To say that I miss my son is an understatement. I'm flexible and a compromiser in my life. Self-critical. I can and apologize if I'm at fault. I do not see anything shameful in this. Ah, I have something to apologize to our guys for.

But here's the catch. My husband is mortally wounded. The notorious word "betrayal" burns like a red-hot iron in his brain. And I want to see and hear my child. Not on social media. I have asked and prayed so much and...

The husband believes that the son left us for the sake of his wife, and this to himcannot forgive . It hurts me too, but who is without fear and reproach?

The son can come either by himself or with his wife. We must give an answer. Which? I believe that they are a couple, a family, and let both come. She says she misses us. Perhaps it hurts her to see how her son suffers from this gap.

It's not good to separate them. Once again pushing the daughter-in-law away, reminding her that she is a stranger. Plus, if the son comes alone, perhaps a new round of troubles will begin in his family later. Like in a game about a broken phone.

During these painful years for, we, and they, I hope, have rethought a lot. ANDdaughter- in-law included. I really appreciate such generous steps forward. And I won't take my hand away. How then can I ask the Lord and for what?

Naturally, I am aware that the way it was, will no longer be. But, and flowers, later remorse at the coffin, I don’t want either.

My husband doesn't want to see my daughter-in-law. But, I have already realized that the main person and the main life of my son is there, with his wife. How to reverse stubbornness, pride of a husband. What arguments to find.

Dear, I really want to hear and listen to you. I write chaotically, nervous, night, high pressure and thoughts.

There is so much anxiety all over the world right now. Everything is so shaky. We all live in one day. How do you know if there will be another chance?

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