The younger sister hates me, and my mother indulges her in everything

The younger sister hates me, and my mother indulges her in everything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 32 years old, my younger sister is 31. We constantly quarrel with her. And on her initiative. She constantly uses the phrase "you are not my sister anymore."

I'll start over. We grew up in an incomplete family. After my parents divorced, we stayed with my mother, and our father did not help us in any way. But I was on the side of my mother, and my sister constantly ran to her father in the garage and complained about how we offend her.

At the age of 18, guys began to take care of me, gave me flowers, they could easily stay overnight. My mother didn't say anything to me. The sister was left alone. Then, having got a job at the age of 19, she began dating married men. I was in a serious relationship at the time. But they stopped, and for a while I was alone. During this time, my sister found another married man, married him at the age of 27, gave birth to a son, but they soon divorced, and my sister completely shifted the care of her son to ours.mother .

The child's father does not want to communicate with his son. Mom spends all weekends with her grandson. I also have a daughter, but the mother shows no interest in her. All her attention is occupied by the problems of her younger sister. I got married at the age of 30, bought a house, a car. My husband loves me and our daughter too. My sister took out loans, accumulated debts for a communal apartment despite the fact that she lives in the apartment of our deceased grandmother, from which I was safely kicked out as soon as I made repairs there.

Recently, she attacked me with her fists, and I was with a baby in her arms, saying that she had been suffering me all her life and it would be better if I died in childbirth (I had a difficult birth, they did a blood transfusion). And even now I have no hatred for her. Why does she hate me so much? Should I be in a relationship with her? Or it’s better not to tear your heart to pieces, because a normal conversation with her will not work. At the slightest quarrel, it emerges that guys came to me, and she put up with them.

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