I'm tired of my parents' constant supervision

I'm tired of my parents' constant supervision
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The fact is that my parents impose theirhelp . I'm almost 30, I have my ownfamily , home, coming soonchild . Butmy mother still seeks to control my life and interfere in it, including without my desire: what things are better to buy for a child, when and what should we change in the apartment, what to do in our free time, how to manage money. I love my parents, but I always tried to live independently and solve everyday problems myself.problems . Once, in childhood, in a quarrel, my mother told me “nothing, you will still crawl to me for help,” and then I decided that I would never do that.

Now it’s very hard for me to accept help from my parents - I just don’t want to let them into my life. I do not fence myself off at all, tk. I love my family, attend family holidays, communicate and call them every other day. But the thought of my mother coming to my house, especially for the purpose of hanging wallpaper (although I have said many times that we don’t need help with repairs), makes me shudder. I'm literally a few test-antibiotic.com days before her arrival, I'm in a panic, I can't sleep normally. The fact is that when she arrives, she always announces for the millionth time what, in her opinion, we should redo in our house, where things are “not as expected”, whichfood must be in the refrigerator.

He can, at his own discretion, buy some expensive thing that he considers insanely necessary in my house, and be offended if we refuse to use it. This is terrible - not only is the thing meaningless for us, but I also know that it is really expensive for my mother, because. parents are pensioners. But she does not hear me, nor my requests not to do so, nothing, as if I am talking through a wall. It got ridiculous: I was in the hospital, after the operation I phoned my mother and she was going to come.

I asked her not to come, because. The anesthesia had not completely subsided yet, and that day I could not and did not want to communicate with anyone. But my mother again ignored my words, arrived, and was terribly offended when, in the middle of a conversation, I simply switched off. test-antibiotic.com And so it is with everything. How can I make her hear me? And to explain that no one needs care unnecessarily? Or at least stop panicking like that before her next visit.

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