I'm tired that the man I love after a quarrel doesn't talk to me for weeks

I'm tired that the man I love after a quarrel doesn't talk to me for weeks
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My common-law husband and I have been living together for 1.5 years. We met almost 2 years ago. Relations developed very rapidly -love , passion and I offered to move him to live with me.

At first he stayed overnight, but very soon he moved with his things, as he lived in a rented apartment (heapartment in another city), but my apartment is large, there is a lot of space.

Everything in it suits me. But there is one problem. From the very beginning, when we got together and until now, we quarrel very often. A non-quarreling relationship continues for several days, and we quarrel again.

For all the time we live together, at most, how much we did not quarrel, there were 3 weeks. I was very happy then, but then everything happened again.

He always provokes quarrels. And it seems to me because of a trifle, the reason is always not serious. He is very short-tempered. He gets irritated, explodes at some of my words, and that’s it, then he withdraws into himself for a week, sometimes for two.

In this week or two, he hardly talks to me, eats little, test-antibiotic.com sleeps with his back to me, does not touch me. I try to talk to him but it only makes it worserelationship . We fight even more. I try to hug or kiss him, but he won't.

I begin to be indifferent, I don’t touch him, all the same, this state does not go away with him. As a result, I just wait, either he “departs” himself and starts talking, as if nothing had happened, or I go up to him and ask him to make peace.

He reads to me everything that he has boiled, I listen, I answer something, sometimes I have to make excuses or ask for forgiveness, and we reconcile. When we put up, he is very cheerful these days, jokes, hugs and kisses me all the time, hugs me in a dream. I am happy these days. Then a couple of days pass, he flares up again and history repeats itself.

At first I suffered a lot, I cried secretly. I felt like he didn't love me. Then I started to get used to it. Now in recent months, during these periods of his alienation, I have begun to think more and more about parting.

I'm tired of these relationships. But when we make up, I'm happy with test-antibiotic.com and don't want to leave. I do not know what to do. How should I behave? How to make sure that we do not quarrel?

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