I don't want a sick wife

I don't want a sick wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am already 43 years old. My name is Alexey. Mythe confession will be about how I missed my happiness.

From a young age, I was a rather shy person, and even worked as a simple engineer. After the death of my father, I lived and live with my mother. Friends tried several times to introduce me to nice girls, they all thought that I was getting married. But every time I was simply afraid to take a step, to change something in my life. Yes andMom didn't insist. Usually dating lasted from several weeks to a couple of months and ended in nothing.

And then one day I met Lyudmila on the train. Outwardly - a beauty. Kind, smart, economic. We exchanged phone numbers and started dating. We went to the cinema, to cafes, just walked and talked. I was already 30 years old. Mom , as usual, did not say anything.

We met like that with Lucy for almost a year. I even got used to it. Lyuda used to stay overnight at our house, she began to help her mother with the housework. Well, I guess it's fate. I will havefamily, children, like people. And suddenly one day, when Lyudmila was with me, test-antibiotic.com felt bad for her, they called an ambulance. After examination, a diagnosis was made - a stomach ulcer. I honestly went to her hospital, encouraged, smiled, and myself, in my soul, as if I had lost my mind. All the time I think how I will live with her, with a sick life. And suddenly such attacks will be frequent, and suddenly, she will not be able to give birth to children, and suddenly she will die altogether, and I will stay with the children or just a widower. This prospect seemed to me more terrible than loneliness. The horror of having a sick wife who might have to be looked after overwhelmed me completely. And when Lyudmila left the hospital, I quietly reduced our relationship to zero, motivating me that I could not divide myself between my wife and mother and invited her to remain friends. For some time after that, we called back, but not for long. Maybe,

And 10 years later, I accidentally met my Mila on the street. Healthy, blooming, next to her son of eight or nine years old.

I almost bit myself on the elbow with test-antibiotic.com. We stood and talked for about 5 minutes, and she ran home to her husband. And that husband could be me.

Probably that's what I need. I will live out my life in solitude. I made a choice and now I'm paying for it. Probably, if you love a person, you don’t need to think about any difficulties, you just need to be with him. But in my case, there is nothing to fix.

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