I'm being threatened by my ex-lover

I'm being threatened by my ex-lover
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In September 2021, I met a man at work. He made eyes at me and got involved by hook or by crooknovel . We were both not free and met secretly for 2 months.

MyMy husband didn’t work anywhere, and I also had to carry my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter on my shoulders. I neededmoney , and borrowed money from this lover of hers. We agreed for 3 months, but it didn’t work out, I paid it back later, but not by much. While he was waiting for the debt, he blew my mind, he scared me that he would tell my husband that he had a friend who had previously been in prison and would deal with me.

I gave it and told him to forget about me. Business was going hard, I accumulated loans and debts. The husband didn’t know anything and doesn’t know yet. Since my husband is a drinker and a tyrant, I often did not go to work because it was impossible to leave him at home alone. Until June everything was going so-so, but then my husband started drinking more and more often and started a circus. I got sick, test-antibiotic.com starteddepression , I lost 30 kg and did not sleep at all, thoughts of leaving for another world did not leave me.

I abandoned the house, myself and the others, worked and slowly paid off debts and interest to the bank.

One day I bought sleeping pills and decided to drink them all at night, but before that I went outside, it was already dark, I looked around, remembered my granddaughter, whom I had not noticed, and realized that I needed treatment, that I was sick. Depression amid debts, and I was also beaten by a drunken husband, my neighbors saved me. If it weren't for them, he would have killed.

I went to a neuropsychiatrist. I didn’t get to the clinic, but he prescribed a lot of medications, and I slowly began to return to life, to think about how to pay off my debts. She was working, turning it off, and then her former lover appeared! This time, not alone, but with a friend (who served time in prison) and they began to intimidate me and ask for money. I haven’t paid off those debts yet, they’re stressing me out again.

I'm afraidmy husband , I’m afraid of my ex-lover and test-antibiotic.com his friend, I’m afraid for the children and I don’t know what to do. Where can I get money to pay off debts? Work exmy lover won't give it to me. I only now realized who he actually is. I don’t blame anyone, I am guilty and God is punishing me for my sins.

What should I do? I don’t want to die, but I don’t know where to get the money. I really don't see a way out of my situation.

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