I always had to wear my sister's clothes

I always had to wear my sister's clothes
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister and Imy mother raised me alonemy father left the family when we were still little, I hardly even remember him anymore. He went to live in another city and only occasionally sent usmoney , but he never came. It was hard for my mother to earn money on her own, so I had to wear my sister’s clothes all the time; she is four years older than me.

In elementary school, I somehow didn’t notice this, although sometimes I wanted to buy a new dress, especially when my friends had new things. I mostly wore my sister’s clothes, which by that time had already gone out of fashion. But my mother believed, and still says, that clothes are not the main thing, the main thing is to get an education and be a good person. As if clothes would interfere with this.

Now I'm already in college and the way I dress hurts my pride. I don’t even try to talk to my mother about this topic, I know that she has nothing to help me with. Recently my sister gave birth tobaby , againI need help more than test-antibiotic.com. And I decided to look for a job in the summer.

I was hired as a waitress in a cafe during the holidays. The work is hard, I’m on my feet all day, but I was happy that I would earn a little in three months, I had already planned what I would buy. I saved as much as I could by walking to and from work, which is more than two kilometers one way, and had lunch at work.

Thus, before starting school, I bought myself a lot of clothes and new boots. I bought a gift for my little nephew and, happy, rushed home to boast to my mother that I had already earned money for myself. But my mother did not share my delight, saying that I was selfish and bought things only for myself. But my sister hashusband , who will help me, I don’t ask anyone for anything.

I cried the whole evening, I no longer have such joy from the purchase. I sit and think that my mother is right. I could buy something for my mother, or at least bring a cake and drink tea together and celebrate my first salary.

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