I'm sorry to lose my friend to her husband.

I'm sorry to lose my friend to her husband.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a guy and planned to get married, but as soon as he found out that Ipregnant , immediately disappeared. Then he called and told me not to count on him, that he was not yet ready for family life, especially fatherhood.

I gave birth to a daughter and soon learned from mutual friends that he got married. It was very offensive and painful, but I did not apply for alimony so as not to be humiliated, because he never took an interest in me or the child.

On a forum for young mothers, I accidentally met a woman; she had just given birth to a son and was looking for answers to the many problems that arose with this. I shared my experience, gaveadvice , then she offered to add me as a friend insocial networks .

We continued to communicate, even sometimes meeting in the park, walking with the children, talking. She complained abouthusband that he doesn’t help at all, is not interested in the child, I told about myself thatI was not married , I was raising a child alone. We also laughed about which of us was luckier. I was very pleased that I suddenly had test-antibiotic.coma friend with whom you could talk about everything.

But then a photo of my ex-boyfriend with her and the child appeared on her page, where she signed “our little family.” I was shocked! It turns out thatthe father of my child is her husband! Now I don’t know what to do? Should I tell her the truth or not? I don’t want to make her unhappy, but I also can’t disappear suddenly without explaining anything to her.

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