Many condemn me that I went on maternity leave instead of my wife

Many condemn me that I went on maternity leave instead of my wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have accepted that a woman should take care of the upbringing of a child. But a couple of my friends, as if jokingly, said that they themselves could go on maternity leave, but is this a man's business? Yes, and ridicule from family and friends are afraid.

I am 36 years old, I am a web developer. I have always liked working remotely, and I love children very much. Therefore, when they found out that replenishment was expected in the family, they did not think for a particularly long time. I was lucky to meet a person with the same life attitudes and views as mine. According to the degree of demand, our professions in the market are the same, but sincewife gets more, it was decided that I would go on maternity leave.

When my son was born, my wife took a decree for six months, then I wrote a statement. Colleagues , of course, were surprised, but the boss went forward (she herself returned from maternity leave six months ago) and let her go.

Has my life changed? Certainly. I used to be able to leave the house with a phone, keys and cards, now I take with me a change of clothes for my son, bottles, napkins. My decree only strengthens familyrelationship , misunderstandings became much less. After all, I realized that sitting with a child is also responsible and hard work.

My example is infectious. Friend Anton is an economist. When rumors of layoffs began to spread in his office, he became thoughtful. And somehow suddenly it turned out (very opportunely) that his wife became pregnant. As a result, the family council decided that he would go on maternity leave. And they will not be fired, and they will also pay a decent allowance. My wife also re-registered, some days she went to the office, she took part of the work home. As a result, they began to plan their lives in such a way as to have time to do work and find time for each other. Yes, andcolleagues , andthe boss understood that his vacation was an obvious attempt to save the job. But they couldn’t do anything, because according to the law everything was observed, and he led key projects remotely.

On a walk with my son, I met another father of the same kind. He is a lawyer, his wife is a very responsible person, she worked almost until the very birth, she worked mercilessly, she was afraid that she would go on maternity leave, and everything in their company would crumble without her. The pregnancy was difficult, the birth too. All this heroism turned into serious health problems. Almost two months after the birth of her son, the wife lay in the hospital with health problems. So he had to urgently arrange parental leave at work. The authorities were aware of the situation, so they went forward. Colleagues teased me, my parents didn’t understand either, they said where it was seen that a man was on maternity leave. ButMother every day she came and helped, because at first he probably couldn’t manage it himself. Although I reviewed all the videos on the Internet about newborns and caring for them, I read the blogs of fathers who found themselves in a similar situation, but my mother's help turned out to be decisive. They did it.

When the wife was discharged, they decided that they would not change anything. Now she is coordinating work processes from home as best she can, periodically going to the hospital again, three weeks ago she had another operation.

What did people say about us? Yes, I never care about someone else's opinion. Good people will support, the opinion of others is not important.

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